소액생계비대출 추가대출 Small amount of livelihood loans 1 million won application conditions, extension and additional loan guidance

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A policy product for the recovery of customers who find it difficult to use even the loan business and inevitably resort to illegal private financing.
Additionally, it has a lower interest rate than regular loans and is designed to make it easier to apply by simplifying the process and lowering the barrier to entry. Specialized programs are available for various groups such as low-income people, women, youth, and the disabled, so we recommend checking the eligibility requirements first before applying. 
Fee exemption and interest rate benefits

① Bottom 20% of credit scores: 700 points or less based on KCB, 749 points or less based on NICE
② Annual income of 35 million won or less
Both requirements must be met and length of service etc. does not apply. Even if you are delinquent or have no income, you must meet the above requirements.
You can apply for a small living expenses loan by making a reservation online or by phone and then visiting a financial integration support center located across the country. All you need to prepare is your ID card and a bankbook in your name. 
◎ Every Monday ~ Friday (09:00 ~ 20:00)
◎ Every Monday ~ Friday (09:00 ~ 20:00)
※ (Qualification Check) If you check in advance whether you are eligible, such as income or credit score, it will be easier to make a consultation reservation at the center (every Monday – Friday).

When applying for an additional loan, you can apply through the Seogeumwon app, and you can choose to download it from Android or iOS through the link below.
As explained above, the maturity period is extended every year, but one thing to note is that you should not take out additional loans due to a decline in your credit rating, and it is important to be careful not to let your credit rating go down. If your credit rating declines, it may be difficult to extend your loan.
If you have used up the 1 million won limit, you can no longer apply, and you are eligible to apply only once in your life.
If you have borrowed 500,000 won and apply for an additional loan, you can apply for an additional 500,000 won through the Seogeumwon app. 
※ If you are having difficulty, we recommend checking out a small emergency loan or sunshine loan.

After making a reservation at one of the 46 Microfinance Integration Support Centers nationwide, you can receive loan consultation and apply by visiting the center. You can also make a reservation to visit the center through this screen or through the Microfinance Call Center. 


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