숨은 정부지원금This is the first private service to implement the ‘Subsidy 24’ service within its own app rather than the Government 24 site. In particular, as the service is provided on the Toss platform, which has 20 million subscribers, it is expected that accessibility to government subsidy services will be greatly improved.
Subsidy 24 is a service that allows you to easily check and apply for government benefits that you can receive. It informs you of not only the benefits you can currently receive, but also benefits that can be supported in the future, and allows you to apply for support.
From this day on, you can check ‘government benefits you can receive’ by clicking ‘Find hidden government subsidies’ in the All tab of the Toss app and directly entering simple information such as address and occupation.
‘Government benefits I can receive’ plans to increase user convenience by categorizing them into employment, medical care, housing, education, social welfare, and others, focusing on benefits that many users are interested in or interested in.
Currently, you can check about 300 benefits and 600 benefits of local government support projects on the Toss app, and we plan to expand the number of benefits to more than 6,000 by the end of the year. Next year, you will be able to check not only central government benefits but also benefits provided by local governments and public institutions at a glance, and a function will be added that will allow you to check not only your own benefits but also the benefits of your household members at once.
A Toss official said, “In line with the purpose of Subsidy 24, which is to make people’s lives better, we will help connect more users with government benefits so that no one misses out on government subsidies,” and added, “We can find hidden government subsidies at Toss to check each user’s situation. “You will be able to receive a wide range of benefits,” he emphasized.
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