신생아 특례대출 If you delay registering your marriage, will you now have two houses?… Special loan for newborns, a ‘good tip’ for purchasing multiple homes < Facts & Investigations < Text of article - Women’s Economic Daily

신생아 특례대출If the man among the prospective couples is a homeowner, he can become a multiple homeowner more easily than others by ‘giving birth first’, receiving a special loan, and ‘registering marriage later’. In fact, it has been revealed that the number of unmarried men and women who prefer the ‘register marriage after birth report’ method has increased, so the possibility of realizing the above ‘trick’ seems quite high.
According to the Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee’s analysis of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport) budget plan published by the National Assembly Budget Office on the 3rd, the proportion of special loans for newborns is estimated to be 26.6 trillion won out of the expected loan amount for home purchase of 34.9 trillion won. This is equivalent to two-thirds of the special housing loan, for which 39.6 trillion won was invested.
The special loan for newborns is a policy financial product introduced by the government to overcome the low birth rate and is scheduled to be sold from January next year. Households without a home that have had a child within two years from the date of loan application and have a total annual income of 130 million won or less and assets of 506 million won or less are eligible to apply. When purchasing a house worth 900 million won or less, a loan up to a limit of 500 million won is possible. It is known that the interest rate varies depending on income from a minimum of 1.6% per year to a maximum of 3.3%. This interest rate will be maintained for up to 5 years after receiving the loan, and if you have more children, it will be lowered by an additional 0.2 percentage points for each child.
The special loan for newborns is evaluated as an unconventional measure because it has the same loan limit as the special home loan but has a low interest rate. The minimum interest rate for special loans for newborns is up to 3.35% points cheaper compared to the interest rate of 4.65% to 4.95% per annum just before the discontinuation of special nest loans.
While the special home loan was pointed out as one of the causes of this year’s housing price rebound, when it was pointed out that the special loan for newborns would also have a negative impact on stabilizing the real estate market, an official from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said, “There are not many people eligible for support (like the special home loan) who can take out a loan right away. “I don’t think it will happen,” he said. In fact, special loans for newborns specify criteria for childbirth, assets, and income that are not included in special home loans.
The National Assembly Budget Office pointed out that there are concerns about illegal payments in that a person can apply for special loans based solely on childbirth, regardless of marital status. If one of the prospective couples already owns a home and gives birth first before registering the marriage, the rule that only households without a home can apply is meaningless. In fact, the Office of Budget and Policy analyzed that about 25% of married couples report that there is a time gap of more than a year between the time of marriage and the time of marriage registration.
As a result of our reporting, the number of single men and women who wish to register their marriage after giving birth has increased compared to 2019. According to a survey conducted every year by the marriage information company Duo on 1,000 single men and women aged 25 to 39 across the country on ‘when do you want to register your marriage?’, the proportion of respondents who answered that they wanted to register their marriage ‘after having a child, regardless of the period’ was 3.1 in 2019. It was only %, but it rapidly increased to 15.8% in 2022.
Meanwhile, 45.2% of respondents who wished to ‘register their marriage before the wedding’ cited ‘problems with loans for rent and housing’ as the reason, and it was revealed that single men and women in Korea decide when to register their marriage based on the government’s housing support policy.
Even when an unmarried woman gives birth to a child, the birth registration process is not difficult. According to relevant organizations, it is no different from the birth registration of a child born to a legally married couple, and the child can also be given the biological father’s last name.
In this regard, the Office of Budget Policy emphasized, “It is necessary to review in advance side effects that may occur during the project implementation process and prepare measures to minimize them.”

신생아 특례대출
