신용카드 포인트 현금화 방법(feat.여신금융협회 카드포인트) How to cash credit card points (feat. Credit Finance Association Card Points)

How to cash in credit card points. Points earned this year will expire in December.
It is the point refund that was accumulated one by one at the card company while I was using the card.

I’ll let you know in detail, so I hope you try it once.

신용카드 포인트 현금화

Get your card points refunded in cash

The credit card company has accumulated points for the cards I have used so far.

To get these points refunded in cash, you must know these things before you can apply.

신용카드 포인트 현금화

First, let’s access the Credit Finance Association’s website.

I’m afraid of the name of the Credit Finance Association, so I don’t want to log in.

There is no harm to credit or applicants, so trust us and follow the link below.




Credit Finance Association Card Point Integrated Inquiry Account Deposit

Card point integrated inquiry / account deposit / donation We are always happy together. We will be the best reliable partner.


Once you have access to the website, all you have to do is follow the instructions from now on.


1. When you access the website, you will see a screen like this. From here, click Integrated Inquiry/Account Deposit/Donation.

Representative image, Integrated card point inquiry and refund
Card point integrated inquiry and refund service provided by Credit Finance Association

2. Proceed directly to the login screen. You can register as a member here and proceed,

Since this is a site that you will visit about once a year, you can just search as a non-member.

In fact, I proceeded as a non-member because it was easy to do once.


login window

3. Ask if you agree to the collection of personal information. Then lightly press Agree All and proceed quickly.

In order to view the points scattered across card companies in one place, you must agree to the collection and use of personal information.

Consent to the collection and use of personal information

4. Since you need to authenticate yourself, select an authentication method. You should proceed in a way that is comfortable for you.

For reference, I proceeded with mobile phone authentication. If you proceed through the PASS app, you can easily verify your identity.


Identity verification process

5. Ask if you agree to the delegation. Since you are not taking a loan, you can simply agree to the delegation.

It is to ask whether you agree to view my points as integrated at the Credit Finance Association.


Delegation consent for integrated inquiry service use

6. From here is the screen we expect. There are credit card companies that can check points and get refunds.

Credit card companies that are not listed here should contact the card company to proceed. Most credit card companies have

If you don’t have a credit card, contact your credit card company and get a refund within December.

First of all, if you have a credit card company that you use here, select [Card Point Account Deposit/Donation].

You can apply for a deposit after making a comprehensive card point inquiry,

Then you have to do this twice, so if you don’t like the hassle, just press account deposit/donation.

Credit card company with integrated inquiry
7. All the points we expected are visible. Since I have already received a refund, there are only 2,000 won and 500 won points.

So I’m a little embarrassed, so I cover it with a sticker. First of all, I got my card points refunded for the first time this year, and I received over 100,000 won.

My card points after integrated inquiry


8. Notes on the refund request service. The deposit time differs depending on the refund application time, so please read it.

Even so, if it is not a weekend, it can be felt as a very honey bonus because the deposit is made on the same day or the next day.

Notice of Deposit Time

9. Lastly, it is the step to check if the account you want to deposit and your information are correct.

If you check it carefully and enter the account number correctly, you are done.


Enter the deposit account information.
In a really easy way, you can view your card points at once and even get a refund.

I thought it would be necessary information for modern people who use a lot of cards, so I posted it.


thank you