여권 갱신 passport renewalapplicable to South

여권 갱신

Renewing Your Passport in Korea: All that You Need to Know

To travel to any country, getting a passport is the foremost requirement. It is a legal document issued by the government that verifies your identity and citizenship. If you plan to travel internationally soon, you must ensure your passport is up-to-date and valid. In Korea, passport renewal, popularly known as, is a straightforward process, and this article will guide you through the entire process.

Eligibility for Renewing Your Passport in Korea:

Renewing your passport in Korea is only applicable to South Korean citizens who hold a valid passport that is about to expire, damaged, or lost. If your passport is in good condition, you do not need to renew it.

Application Procedure:

The first step to renew your passport in Korea is to visit your local government office to acquire new documents and letters of appointment. It is essential to check the government office’s website ahead of your planned application to ensure you have the most accurate information.

Submitting the Application:

Once you have received your appointment letter, you are ready to submit the application to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You can submit your application in-person to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs office or send it via mail. The turnaround time for the passport renewal process is usually around two weeks.

Collection of Your New Passport:

After your application is processed, you will be notified when your new passport is ready for collection. You can either receive it in person or authorize someone to collect it on your behalf.

Renewal Fee:

There is a fee for renewing your passport in Korea, and the cost varies depending on the type of passport you decide to obtain. It is advisable to be aware of your specific fee early on in the renewal process to avoid unexpected costs.


Renewing your passport in Korea is a simple process that requires proper documentation and following the correct application procedures. By understanding the above guidelines, you can be sure of acquiring a new passport promptly and avoid any complications that may arise along the way. So, as you plan for your next vacation or business trip, ensure that your passport is valid, and if it’s not, get it renewed before your trip.

여권 갱신

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