영유아 건강검진 문진표 작성 및 결과표 출력 방법 How to fill out the health examination questionnaire for infants and toddlers and print out the result sheet

Find out how to fill out the health checkup questionnaire for infants and toddlers
영유아 건강검진 문진표

Today, we will learn how to fill out an infant health checkup questionnaire. Since the questionnaire is different depending on the time of the checkup, I think you will be able to receive treatment quickly if you fill out the form online in advance and visit the hospital before the checkup.

영유아 건강검진 문진표

Fill out the health checkup questionnaire for infants and toddlers

① Access to the National Health Insurance website
▼ Click below to go directly to the site ▼

1. Go to the National Health Insurance website.

2. Click Health in → Family Health Management.

② Login
1. Click Simple Authentication (Private Certificate) or Joint/Financial Certificate.

2. Enter personal information → Check the authentication number and log in.

③ Examination subject search/Question form filling out
1. After logging in, the checkup subject search will appear on the screen.

2. If you click the search button next to the child name corresponding to the checkup, a list will appear.

3. Drag down and click the Create Medical Questionnaire button.

4. When filling out the questionnaire, a whisper test (hearing test) is included, so please proceed first.

5. After filling out the questionnaire, be sure to click the save button.


④ Fill out medical questionnaire/developmental screening test sheet
★ You can fill out the developmental screening test form from the 3rd checkup. Please refer to the benefits ★

1. Please click the Create Developmental Screening Sheet button.

2. Please fill out the questionnaire.

3. After filling out the medical questionnaire, be sure to press the save button.



If you are having trouble filling out online, you can print the form and fill it out yourself. Click below to go directly to the site where you can print the questionnaire.