오토바이 소음 신고 Report motorcycle noise

With the growing demand for food delivery and the growing interest in self-modifying motorcycles, the noise of two-wheeled vehicles often makes it difficult to sleep or make life difficult. Conflicts are increasing due to the large number of motorbikes running, especially during lunch/dinner hours, as well as late at night and early in the morning.

Motorbike noise regulation standards
According to the Noise and Vibration Control Act, the standard for motorcycle noise is 105dB. If it exceeds the motorcycle noise control standard of 105 decibels, administrative measures such as improvement orders and a fine of up to 1 million won are imposed. In addition, if illegal tuning, such as amplifying the exhaust sound by modifying the silencer, is found, imprisonment for up to one year or a fine of up to 10 million won will be imposed.

For reference, 105dB is the noise when a train or heavy equipment is operating. For this reason, there is a big problem that even noise that is painful to hear is excluded from crackdown detection.

How to report motorcycle noise
1) Report to the local police station
If you are suffering from constant motorcycle noise, you can report it to your local police department. Activities such as crackdown, guidance, and inspection are strengthened by notifying the location and time of the roaring noise mainly through visits, phone calls, and text messages. If similar content is accumulated through reports from multiple people, a faster and more direct crackdown will be made. 오토바이 소음 신고

Tuning motorcycles with headlights and silencers can also be reported. If you find a motorcycle that makes illegal tuning or noise that damages your life, it will be helpful if you remember the license plate or the name of the delivery company and describe it when reporting. 좋은뉴스

2) Application for civil complaint
National Newspaper – Homepage – My – Application – Menu
Application for civil complaint

※ National Shinmungo website

오토바이 소음 신고

You can apply for various complaints online through the National Reporting Portal. After logging in/authentication through the website or app, fill out and submit the application form.

Write down the name and contact information of the person who reported it, and the place where the inconvenience caused by motorcycle noise or illegal tuning occurred. If there is any attached material such as a photo, please attach it as well. After receiving the report, you can review the contents, transfer the contents to the most appropriate organization, and receive a response.

It is convenient to report complaints within the website without installing the application, and if you do not know which department is related to, if you leave a complaint in the National Reporting Office, the contents will be transferred to the relevant department.

3) Report the Smart National Reporting Application to the National Police Agency
Smart National Report-Homepage-My-Bicycle Violation-Report
Smart National Reporting Two-wheeled Vehicle Violation Report
※ Smart public information website

The next way to report motorcycle noise is the [National Police Agency Smart National Report] service. Since traffic-related information among the contents received through the National Reporting and Safety Reporting Office is transferred to the National Police Agency, it is effective to report directly to the Smart National Report.

For motorcycle related information, select [Bicycle violation]. Likewise, it is recommended to write down the time, place, and target in as much detail as possible.

Smart National Report-App-My-Motorcycle-Report-Menu
Smart National Reporting Application Report
When reporting traffic-related information, it is recommended to use the app rather than the website. This is because the situation at the time, license plates, violations, etc. must be taken and attached in a photograph or video.

Major violations of traffic laws for two-wheeled vehicles include ‘act of driving recklessly at night with an illegally converted two-wheeled vehicle’. Damages caused by noise can also be reported through Smart National Report. However, please note that the contents of the report must be accurate, and only those reported within 7 days from the date of violation can be submitted as administrative measures or fines are imposed on those who violate the law.

4) Reporting civil complaints to local governments
The last way to report motorcycle noise is to file a complaint directly with the local government by phone or through the website. There is at least one bulletin board on the homepages of city, county, and gu offices, such as ‘I wish for the mayor’, where any resident can write a complaint. If you feel free to describe the inconvenience you are experiencing, the department in charge will respond and take corrective action or strengthen enforcement.

Stronger warnings or intensive sanctions may be imposed on companies or drivers who continue to be reported, and if such opinions are accumulated, the seriousness of the problem will be strongly revealed, which can help to solve the problem in a better way.

How to report motorcycle noise, regulatory standards
It has been pointed out that the 150dB motorcycle noise standard created in the 1990s does not fit well with the present. Everyone understands the need to change the law, but it seems that it will take more time for the standards to be lowered and the punishment method to become a reality.

For now, as we introduced today, the best way to report motorcycle noise is to describe the damage situation in detail directly, through the website, or through the application, and attach recordable evidence.