우리카드 고객센터 및 전화번호 Woori Card customer center and phone number

Today, we will take the time to learn about our card customer service phone number and how to report loss.

우리카드 고객센터

우리카드 고객센터

You can quickly access the Woori Card Customer Center phone number and report the loss through the shortcut below.



Woori Card Customer Center Phone Number
Woori Card main number: 1588-9955 / 1599-9955
Woori Card loss report number: 1588-5300
You can use the ARS service through the main number above. The service is also available through the website and app, but using ARS may be more convenient because there are many login and identity verification procedures.




Woori Card Customer Center Number List

Number 1: Inquiry about payment amount, usage history, and fuel price subsidies
No. 2: Check usage limit and increase limit
Number 3: Immediate payment. Inquiry regarding deposit or overseas remittance service
No. 4: Long-term card loan (card loan) or short-term card loan (cash advance)
No. 5: Check points and mileage
No. 6: Payment notification service, issuance of various certificates
No. 7: Apply to continue using a dormant card or cancel the card
No. 8: Reissue card, change password
Number 9: Send chatbot connection text message
Number 0: Employee connection
To report the loss of your Woori Card, you can report the loss and apply for a card reissue through number 8. Please remember number 8 to report the loss of our card.




Likewise, you can apply for reissuance of our Woori Card due to damage through number 8.

Report loss of Woori Card and apply for reissue
Since it takes a long time to connect to an agent, you can also apply directly through the Woori Card website. You can report the loss of your Woori Card and apply for a reissue through the shortcut below.


To report the death of your Woori Card and reissue it through the website, please follow the steps below.


You can reissue or report loss by accessing the website > MY > My Card Management > Loss Report/Reissue/Cancellation.


If you proceed through the website, you may need to install essential security programs and use a Woori Card ID or simple login.


And these days, if you use our card on your smartphone, you can also apply through a dedicated app.


You can report loss and apply for reissue by running the Woori Card app > Menu > MY > Manage My Card.


Above, we learned about the Woori Card customer service phone number and how to report loss and apply for reissue. You can apply through ARS, PC, and smartphone, so please choose the method that is most convenient for you.


I hope that the above information provides the information you are looking for, and I will conclude this post with the Woori Card Customer Center phone number, how to report loss, and apply for a reissue.