우티 택시 사용법 How to use UT Taxi Differences between UT Taxi and Kakao Taxi

우티 택시 사용법Wooti is a combination of Uber and Tmap. Uber is a private car sharing service that is already hot abroad. Uber tried to enter Korea, but it failed due to fierce opposition from taxi drivers.

So, we are implementing the service in partnership with SKT’s T-map, a communication platform that is already in service in Korea.

It is similar to how to use Kakao Taxi. You can use it right away by searching for Wooti in the App Store, downloading the app, and registering your personal information.

1. Install the app
Search and download App Store Wooti → Set T ID and password → Register card to pay → Complete

2. Set departure and destination
After installing and signing up for the app, a map will appear. If you set the departure and arrival locations on the map, the estimated travel time and price will appear.

You can choose from UT, midsize, deluxe, and large models. It’s convenient if you have a lot of luggage.

3. Payment
Payment is automatically made to the card registered at the time of initial registration. This is the same as Kakao Taxi.

oooty price
I expected the price to be a bit cheaper as Ooty started service later than Kakao Taxi, but it is not that cheap than I thought. It was pretty much the same. It was a few thousand won difference based on the same distance.

Kakao Taxi_Price and _WOOTY_Price Comparison

oooty vehicle size
And it was nice that you could freely choose the vehicle size. Kakao Taxi has only one ‘Venti’.

Ooty had a choice of UT (regular taxi), medium, deluxe, and large. I often have a lot of luggage when I return from a business trip, so it’s nice to be able to call for a larger vehicle.

oooty article
As mentioned earlier, Ooty is a joint venture with Uber. So, at first, I thought Ooty drivers were operated by ordinary people registering as drivers like Uber. But he was just a taxi driver.

I have mixed feelings about the Ooty article. There are people who say they went too far, and there are people who said they went satisfactorily. I went to the route shown on the navigator without going back, so I used it without complaint. However, as many people complain of inconvenience, it seems to be something that needs to be improved.

You can use a large bus if you win the event
Not too long ago, there was a review on the net saying ‘I called Ooty Taxi, but I won an event and a large bus came’ and ‘I rode the bus alone’. This is the ‘UT First Class Taxi Event’. It is to randomly provide free Ooty service to customers who have applied for Ooty service.

If you win the event, a large airport bus will come, not a taxi as we know it. You can ride alone, and best of all, the price is free. Inside, there are entertainment devices such as karaoke machines, a snack bar, a photo zone, and a welcome kit. You can think of it as a luxury limousine bus.

We have learned how to use Ooty and the difference with Kakao Taxi. It is welcome that a competitor has entered the mobility market, which was once monopolized by Kakao. Everything develops when there is a competitor. I hope that Uber’s service will be further improved and the price will be cheaper so that it develops into a quality platform that consumers can use.

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우티 택시 사용법
