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How to find people by name and precautions

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In this article, we will introduce how to find people by name and give you a few things to keep in mind. Unlike in the past, it can be said that it is easier to find people by name these days.


There are many ways to find a person by name, but if you search in the wrong way, you may violate the law and be punished, so be sure to check the precautions! Start looking for people by name below.


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find people by name




Until 2019, it was possible to post a person search by name on the Searchman bulletin board. It was possible to identify the whereabouts of family members and scammers, but now the administrator has blocked all permissions due to advertisements and spam posts. All that remains is the administrator’s KakaoTalk ID.


Now there are only two methods available to us.


Find people by name #1
The first way is to use SNS. I’m sure there are many people who don’t know. The method is simple. First, install Facebook and Instagram.

Search icon in the top right corner of Facebook



Search for the name you are looking for



Instagram is the same way



A few years ago, Cyworld was the trend, but these days, when it comes to SNS, there are only Instagram and Facebook. Most people in their 10s to 40s own accounts, and I can say that it’s the surest way to find people by name.


In some cases, you may have your face as your profile picture, so it will be easier to find. Sometimes, if there is no picture, you can check if this person is right by going directly to the profile and exploring various information.


The advantage of finding people by SNS name is that you can send a message right away. If you find the person you are looking for, contact us via DM on Instagram or Messenger on Facebook!


Find people by name #2

If you are a man, try using the search for comrades service. Recently, many articles have been posted, and there are cases where the other person leaves his/her contact information in the comments after reading the article. Many people who served in the military decades ago found personnel affairs and platoon commanders here.


I introduced two ways to find people by name, but if the person you are looking for took my money and disappeared or is a scammer, there is no way you would have opened a personal SNS account like that, and there would be no way to leave a comment on the bulletin board for finding comrades.


In this case, you can use the agency out of anger and urgency. Not all secret agencies are illegal, but there are places that sometimes find people in a bad way, so check carefully before using them.



There is also a way to report it to the police before using the secret agency. There is also a way to submit a complaint with the amount of damage, case, etc., and assign a detective to catch the perpetrator.


Here’s how to find people by name. I think you will find people with various emotions such as frustration, missing you, and anger. I can’t count all the feelings, but I hope things are resolved smoothly. That is all.