이케아 배송 기간 Expected delivery time of IKEA furniture is 9:00 am to 9:00 pm?…Consumers are upset about waiting all day – A newspaper created by consumers

이케아 배송 기간According to Mr. Kim, after purchasing a bookshelf at an IKEA store, he paid 900,000 won including shipping and applied for delivery service on February 5th.

He received a text message the day before delivery, and the expected delivery time was ‘9 am to 9 pm’. In case the recipient is absent, the cost of redelivery is borne by the customer.

Since Mr. Kim was unable to take a day off due to work, the schedule was disrupted due to the unreasonable delivery time.

Frustrated, he contacted the IKEA delivery company written in the text, but received an answer that the delivery driver only contacted him separately about an hour before delivery, and it was difficult to provide specific time. In the end, the furniture I ordered arrived around 5pm.

According to the current IKEA delivery service terms and conditions, in the case of furniture, a delivery driver will contact the recipient directly about an hour before delivery.

General delivery is divided into furniture delivery and courier delivery. In the case of furniture delivery, the fee varies depending on the size of the product. Up to 5㎥ of order volume (the volume of two and a half double-door refrigerators) is 39,000 won, and more than that is charged up to 59,000 won.

Products that can be delivered by courier are up to 140 cm in width, and 3,000 won, 5,000 won, and 8,000 won, respectively, are applied depending on the size and weight.

Furniture delivery is delivered directly to the recipient by a transport driver from IKEA’s external partner. At this time, if the furniture assembly service is also requested, non-face-to-face delivery is not possible.

▲ Delivery time is 9:00 am to 9:00 pm.

Mr. Kim said, “Isn’t it necessary to tell us the approximate time? I had to wait all day at home for furniture delivery, so I had a lot of trouble with my schedule.”

IKEA said, “The delivery time available for the delivery option is announced from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, which is to provide a quick delivery service, including next-day delivery, to more customers through flexible delivery time operation.”

With the increase in furniture consumption online, competition in the furniture industry is intensifying, and customer inconveniences and requirements are actively reflected in the service.

Hanssem is operating a furniture delivery and installation service called ‘My Mom Delivery’. The delivery date can be set at the purchasing stage, and the construction staff will contact the customer to discuss the delivery time in advance.

An official from Hanssem said, “When the construction staff makes a schedule, we actively guide customers by converging on the time they want.”

▲ Date and time customized delivery service operated in Hyundai Livart online mall

Hyundai Livart is operating a customized delivery service that allows customers to select the desired delivery date and desired delivery time at the purchase stage.

An official from Hyundai Livart said, “We are working to improve service quality by introducing next-day delivery services to improve customer convenience.”

[Newspaper made by consumers = Reporter Hyejin Won]

Copyright © Newspapers made by consumers Unauthorized reproduction and redistribution prohibited

Reporter Won Hye-jin
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이케아 배송 기간
