인스타 스토리 몰래보기 방법 및 사이트 How to sneak peek at Instagram stories and sites

What we are going to learn this time is secret viewing of Instagram stories. Many people want to view their Instagram stories without others noticing them. Today we would like to answer those questions.인스타 스토리 몰래보기

인스타 스토리 몰래보기

Secret viewing of Instagram stories is possible in several ways, and each method may vary depending on the user’s convenience and preference. So, shall we learn about secret viewing of Instagram stories?


Use anonymous websites



The first way is to use an anonymous website. This is the simplest way to view Instagram Stories without logging in to your Instagram account.



Sneak peek at Instagram stories – Instastoryview (instastoryview)

Introducing Instagram Story Review, a site for sneak peeking at Instagram stories. Instastoryview allows you to spy on your lover or partner’s Instagram and preview it. Download Instagram videos and save photos

Browse anonymous websites (e.g. view Instagram stories anonymously).
After accessing the site, enter the username of the Instagram account you want to view.
A list or gallery will appear where you can view the account’s public stories.
Click on the story you want to watch anonymously.

Use a fake account



Another method is to create and use a fake account. This is a little more cumbersome, but it allows you to view Instagram stories secretly by separating them from the account you use on a daily basis.


Create a new email address or prepare an existing email address that you are not using.
Sign up for Instagram and create a new account. Minimize identifying information as much as possible.
After logging in with the fake account, follow the account you want to see secretly. (If the account is private, the follow request must be approved.)
Use a fake account to secretly view Instagram stories.

Using third-party apps



Lastly, there is a way to use a third-party app. You can find apps like ‘View Instagram Stories’ on various app stores, some of which allow users to view their stories while keeping them anonymous.


Search for the ‘Instastory Sneak View’ app in the App Store.
After downloading and installing the app, open it.
Search for the Instagram ID of the person you want to view within the app.
View the story anonymously. (Some apps may require you to log in, so be careful of this if you want to ensure anonymity.)

Today, we learned about various ways to secretly view Instagram stories.

Since each method has different usage and characteristics, it is recommended that you choose the method that suits your needs and situation. Please use the methods provided for secret viewing of Instagram stories within the scope of respecting the other person’s privacy. Please always enjoy social media with empathy and ethics in mind.