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자영업자 대환대출‘Low-interest refinancing’ expanded to all self-employed people… Includes some credit loans

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2024.04.10 (Wed)

[General election][Public opinion poll] What is the current situation of D-30, the people’s choice?… National Assembly at this time
[General election] [Opinion poll] Suwon-gun, Bundang-gap, Gyeonggi-do, Yuseong-eul, Daejeon, Buyeo-cheongyang, Gongju, Chungcheongnam-do
[General election] [Opinion poll] National political party approval rating (KBS survey trend), proportional political party approval rating
Seoul National University professors say, “If the government doesn’t come up with a solution, I will resign on the 18th.” Notice of collective action

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Sashimi delivered downstairs by mistake… The guests upstairs were eating?
“It could happen to me too”… Citizen subdues unmanned store thief by walking
[General election] Democratic Party launches general election committee tomorrow… ‘Lee Jae-myung, Lee Hae-chan, Kim Boo-gyeom’ top 3 system
“Prior notice of license suspension sent to 4,944 medical residents”
Lee Jong-seop leaves the country without the original credentials… “I think I will return to Korea next month and attend the award ceremony.”
Son Heung-min, 1 goal and 2 assists… Highest rating for the best player of the game!

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