전남도시가스 고객센터 및 전화번호 Jeonnam City Gas Customer Center and Phone Number

Each region has a designated city gas company in charge of that region. Ocean Energy is a city gas company that covers the entire Gwangju and parts of Jeonnam. If you have any questions regarding marine energy city gas, you can contact the call center for consultation. We will provide you with Gwangju and Jeonnam City Gas Customer Center phone numbers, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and regional service center location information.

전남도시가스 고객센터

전남도시가스 고객센터

Gwangju, Jeonnam City Gas Customer Center phone number and operating hours

If you have any questions or inconveniences regarding the use of marine energy that provides city gas services in the Gwangju and Jeonnam areas, please call the call center below to receive detailed consultation and resolve the problem.


[Gwangju, Jeonnam City Gas Customer Center Phone Number and Operating Hours]

1. Customer center phone number

– Main phone number: 1544-1115


2. Customer center operating hours

– Weekdays/Saturdays/Holidays 09:00 ~ 18:00

(However, emergency incidents such as gas leaks are reported 24 hours a day, 365 days a year)


3. Other consultation methods

In addition to phone consultations, the Gwangju (Jeonnam) City Gas Customer Center also provides online consultation services through 1:1 customer inquiries. If you access the site below and click the inquiry button to leave your personal information and inquiry, a customer service staff member will respond during customer service hours.

Go to Gwangju City Gas Customer Center for detailed information

Gwangju City Gas (Ocean Energy) Customer Center Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You can call the contact number mentioned above to receive advice on any questions you may have, but other methods are needed during late evening hours when the customer center is not in operation or in situations where it is difficult for customers to make a phone call. The customer center on the Gwangju City Gas website has a ‘Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)’ menu. This menu is a page that summarizes frequently asked questions from people along with answers. Since the things people are curious about often overlap or are similar, it can be very helpful to check the FAQ first before making a phone consultation. You can access the site below and enter keywords directly or find the information you need among the classified items.

Gwangju City Gas (Ocean Energy) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Gwangju City Gas (Marine Energy)-Customer Center-Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ
Gwangju City Gas (Ocean Energy) Service Center Location Information by Region

Ocean Energy, which provides city gas to the Gwangju and Jeonnam regions, has service centers in each region. There are three service centers in operation in the Gwangju area, and a service center in each district is also in operation in the Jeonnam area under Ocean Energy’s jurisdiction. To check the service center in your area, visit the site below and select your region. Then, you can check the service center’s address, phone number, list of available services, and directions map information.