조상꿈해몽 ABC1 :: I will explain the interpretation of ancestors’ dreams by situation.

조상꿈해몽I will start posting a summary of ancestors’ dream interpretations by situation.
The dream of seeing someone else performing a ancestral rite is
The interpretation of this dream is that if you wait patiently, good things will happen.
The dream of living with my deceased parents
The interpretation of this dream is to be careful because there will be an unexpected accident.

A dream about your deceased parents appearing in a dream and leading a cow somewhere.
It is one of the bad dreams, and its interpretation tells you to be careful not to lose your health.
A dream about your deceased parents coming home on horseback.
It is a sign that there will be good news, and the interpretation of this dream is that good luck or a welcome person will come to you.

A dream of your deceased parents smiling at you
It means that good luck will come to you, and it is an interpretation that difficulties in finances or in the family will be resolved.
Dream about your deceased grandparents saying something to you
This dream is a hint to be careful because something bad is happening.
Dreaming of your deceased parents dying again in your dream
This dream is interpreted as expressing the wish that one’s parents are still alive.

The dream of paying a big bow to your ancestors
It is a dream that you will inherit an inheritance from your parents or that something you have asked someone else to do will turn out well.
The dream of an ancestor’s grave being on fire
The interpretation of this dream is that one of your family members will suffer from a serious illness.
A dream in which ancestors appear and cry
The interpretation of this dream is that you will experience bad luck, such as dishonor, and you will develop a family illness. Or, it may be a dream that occurs because the location of the grave is not good.

The dream of receiving something given by an ancestor is
The interpretation of this dream is that you will make a windfall or receive unexpected money.
A dream in which an ancestor or a dead person comes to ask you to go on a journey
Please be careful as this dream means that you may lose your life in a sudden accident.

Dreaming of eating food with a dead person or ancestor
The interpretation is that your work will prosper and you will be satisfied physically and mentally.
The dream of holding a memorial service to ancestors at home
It is an interpretation that the planned work will proceed well and great wealth and fame will follow as a result.

I would like to conclude this post on the interpretation of ancestors’ dreams by situation. They can be divided into good or bad dreams and can be interpreted in various ways. If it is a bad dream, I hope you pay a little attention. If it is a good dream, I hope you have a good day and have a good day.

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