주민등록등본 인터넷발급 방법 How to issue a resident registration certificate online

One of the most commonly issued documents in everyday life is the copy of resident registration.

I remember in the past, I had to pay a fee to get a certificate issued after visiting a community center.

주민등록등본 인터넷발급

주민등록등본 인터넷발급

Now you can get it issued 24 hours a day on your PC or even on your mobile phone.

Please refer to the information below on how to issue a resident registration certificate that can be obtained via mobile from the Government 24 app.

2022.07.14 – [Life Information] – Mobile issuance of resident registration copy (Government 24 App – Electronic Document Wallet)

Mobile issuance of resident registration copy (Government 24 app-electronic document wallet)

A copy of resident registration, one of the most necessary documents in everyday life. Surprisingly, the document most needed in daily life is a copy of resident registration. Of course, there are cases where it is necessary for important matters such as contracts, etc.

[Information on the order of issuance of resident registration certificate online]
1. Search for “Government 24” on a search site and go to that site.

How to issue a resident registration certificate online
Search Government 24 in the search bar
2. On the Government 24 main page, click on the Resident Registration Copy (Extract) menu among the frequently visited services.

How to issue a PC copy of resident registration certificate
Government 24’s main page screen
3. On the civil complaint information and application page, click the [Issue] button.

– A copy of the resident registration certificate (abstract copy) can be issued online or in person.

– The fee is free for online issuance, and 400 won is required for in-person issuance.
(*500 won in case of primary registration for interested parties)

Issuance of online resident registration certificate
Government 24 resident registration certificate civil complaint information and application page
4. Both members and non-members can apply for a copy of resident registration.

– If you are registered as a Government 24 member and remember your ID, click the [Apply for Membership] button,

If you are not a member or do not remember your ID, click the [Apply as a non-member] button.

Issuance of resident registration certificate for non-members
Member/non-member application pop-up image
5. I agree to the collection of personal information and unique identification information.

– Check the instructions for collection and use of personal information and then check I agree.

– Check the information regarding the collection of unique identification and then check I agree at the bottom.

Information on how to issue a copy of resident registration certificate online
Information and consent page for collection of personal information and unique identification information
6. Enter applicant information.

1) Check the Apply keyboard security program checkbox. (recommended)

2) Entering your name and resident registration number is required.

3) Enter the security number you see.

4) Click the [Confirm] button at the bottom.

Obtain a copy of your resident registration certificate online
Non-member application information input screen
7. Enter the information on the application for issuance of resident registration certificate page.

1) Check the required certificate among the resident registration table copy, resident registration table copy, English resident registration table copy, and English resident registration table copy.
(* By default, it is checked as a copy of resident registration card.)

2) Select the address on your resident registration, including the city, city, county, or district.

3) Select the issuance type between issuance and selective issuance.

– If you choose to issue it, the last digits of your resident registration number, household information, etc., excluding changes in past addresses, will be included.

4) Select the receipt method as online issuance (third party submission).

5) Click the Submit Complaint button.

How to issue a resident registration certificate online
Application page for issuance of resident registration certificate
8. Proceed with authentication to verify your identity.

– Choose between two methods for authentication: simple authentication and joint/financial authentication.

1) Simple authentication: Samsung Pass, KakaoTalk, Payco, PASS, Shinhan certificate, KB Mobile certificate, Naver authentication available.
– After entering your name, resident registration number, and mobile phone number, give full consent to use the service and click the authentication request button.
– In the case of simple authentication, when a confirmation notification of the selected authentication service is sent to your mobile phone, authentication is completed on your mobile phone.

2) Joint/Financial Certificate: Select the medium where the certificate is stored: financial certificate, browser, hard disk, or mobile disk.

– In case of joint certificate: Authenticate by loading the certificate stored in a web browser, hard disk, removable disk, etc.

– In the case of financial certificates: Authentication is possible only if the financial certificate has been registered in advance.

Issuance of resident registration certificate Identification window
An authentication process is required to verify your identity.

9. Once authentication is complete, you can check it on the service application history page.

– To print the issued resident registration certificate, click the [Print Document] button.

Service application history page
10. Complete your identity verification once again.

Online issuance of resident registration copy, identity verification
Re-confirmation of identity verification required before printing documents
11. Once authentication is complete, you will be moved to the document printing page.

– After checking the contents, click the [Print] button on the top right.

Sample of online issuance of resident registration certificate
Preview of issued resident registration card
12. After selecting Print in the destination, you can print it immediately or save it as a PDF file.

1) Save as file: Click the downward arrow (▼) on the destination and select [Save as PDF].

2) Click the [Save] button at the bottom to save it as a file on your PC.

How to save resident registration certificate online issuance file
Save as PSF file from print page

So far, we have told you how to issue a copy of your resident registration online and how to save it as a PDF.