직장인 건강검진 대상자 조회 How to check workers who are subject to health checkup/do not take the checkup (amount of fine)

직장인 건강검진 대상자 조회hello. It’s a day off.
It is compulsory for health insurance workers to receive health checkups once a year or once every two years, depending on whether they are office workers or non-office workers.
Since there is a disadvantage of being fined for failing to receive a health checkup within the period without a separate health checkup exclusion report, workplaces must manage whether employees have completed the checkup within the period.
(Penalty for not taking health checkup; 1st time 100,000 won, 2nd time 200,000 won, 3rd time 300,000 won, up to 10 million won for workplaces)
Today, we will look at how to view workers who are subject to health checkups, the status of those who have taken/not taken the exam, and how to apply for addition/exclusion of health checkups.
(# Please do not steal my blog posts and photos. I am monitoring and requesting takedown.)

There are two ways to search for workers who are subject to health checkup.
1. How to check the documents received by the health insurance EDI service (or social insurance EDI service) and
2. Call the National Health Insurance Corporation call center (1577-1000) and receive it by fax.

Since I am using the EDI service, I will look up the EDI received documents and check the target person.
Log in to the public certificate in the National Health Insurance EDI service (https://edi.nhis.or.kr/) and go to ‘Go to Report’ in the main menu.

Select the received document from the various tabs and go to ‘Health Checkup Subject’ at the bottom right.

Then a new EDI window will open. Since the EDI service cannot be captured, we will upload photos only to the extent that personal information does not come out.
In the EDI window, select ‘Search’ at the top right to open the Inbox.

When the document search window opens, specify the document receipt date (creation period) and search.
Previously received health checkup documents are searched.
If you open the document, you will see a list of workers subject to health checkup.

Since health checkups are usually held at the end of the year, it is not easy to make a hospital reservation for examination even in December.
In order to prevent such incidents, I tend to search for those who have or have not been tested since October and notify the company.

It is very simple to search for those who have not taken the health checkup.
You can refer to the most recently received health checkup list in the document box.
You can easily check by clicking ‘Subject/Non-Exam/Not Subject’ in the ‘General Examination’ column located on the far right of the list of eligible candidates.

If you want to inquire as of today, you can receive the latest document by requesting from the EDI service ‘Report/Application’ > ‘Application for retransmission of health checkup data’.
You can also call the health insurance call center at 1577-1000 and receive it by fax.

As expected, most of our employees have not yet undergone health checkups.
Fines for failing to take the health checkup are 100,000 won for the first time, 200,000 won for the second, and 300,000 won for the third, up to a maximum of 10 million won at the workplace.
Most of these people will receive this year, but there will be some who cannot get a health checkup this year due to personal reasons (pregnancy, personal comprehensive checkup, treatment for chronic diseases, overseas work, etc.).
In the next post, we will learn how to fill out the ‘Application for Change (Addition, Exclusion) of Persons Subject to Health Examination’, which excludes those who cannot receive mandatory health examinations.
Please also refer to the previous post regarding employee health checkups. Hope this helps.

▶How to fill out an application form for changing (addition/exclusion/cancellation/carryover) of employees subject to health checkup
How to fill out an application form for changing (addition/exclusion/cancellation/carryover) of employee health checkup recipients
hello. Last time, I made a post about how to look up those who are eligible for health checkups and those who have not. Today, I wrote about what to do at the workplace if health checkups are not possible for personal reasons.
▶ Is it true that the fine for not taking the national health examination and the disadvantages of cancer screening are true?
Is it true that fines for not taking the national health checkup and disadvantages for cancer screening are true?
hello. It’s a day off. While posting about the extension of the health checkup in 2020 (~June 2021), I think the exact details of the amount of fines and disadvantages for not taking the health checkup are also important, so today I will cover that part.
▶Learn about health checkups (odd/even, 1 year, 2 years, dependents, local subscribers, fines)
Health check-up for office workers
hello. It’s a day off. Workers enrolled in health insurance are obliged to undergo a ‘worker’s health checkup’. I don’t think about anything throughout the year, and it’s only at the end of the year that I’m eligible for this year’s health checkup
▶Daily worker health checkup (Daily workers can also receive free health checkups from office workers.)
Health checkup for daily workers: Daily workers can also receive free health checkups for office workers.
hello. It’s a day off. Every year at the end of the year is the health checkup season, right? I didn’t even think about it all year, but it was only at the end of the year that I rushed to do it. Did the company employees complete the health checkup this year?


직장인 건강검진 대상자 조회
