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How to check the next upper class (feat. Simulation)
차상위계층 증명서

Let’s see how to check the next upper class. Welfare policies supported by the government differ in the scope of support depending on the recipients of basic livelihood security and the next-lowest class. Most of the welfare policies can be received only when you apply for them yourself, so if you have not been aware of them, please make a mock calculation in advance. If you meet the eligibility requirements, please apply and receive benefits.

차상위계층 증명서

Welfare Road and community center logo

What is the second upper class?
The next upper class is the low-income group who is not a recipient of the basic livelihood security, and is less than 50% of the median income. Unlike those eligible for basic livelihood security, there are household members who have fixed assets or are old enough to support themselves.


1. How to check the next upper class
2. Benefits for the next-upper class
3. How to apply for the next upper class

1. How to check the next upper class
The criterion for the second highest income is 50% or less of the median income. It is only necessary to reflect the results of the income and property inquiry of the person subject to the application and set it according to the issued income and property standards when confirming the next upper class, and belong to 50% or less of the standard median income.


The standard median income is the most important factor when receiving welfare policy benefits, so it is good to know it accurately.


Find out the baseline median income (2023)

Find out the baseline median income (2023)

What is the standard median income? Most of the policies supported by the government or local governments cannot be benefited unless you apply directly. The standard median income required for the National Basic Livelihood Security System is


1) Recognized income
To find out if you are below 50% of the standard median income, you need to check your personal income. Recognized income is calculated as ‘assessed income + income conversion of property’.


① Income evaluation

Earned income (salary), business income (self-employment), property income (rent, interest, etc.), other income (national pension, donations, etc.)


② Income conversion amount of property

General property (house, land, etc.), financial property (cash, savings, installment savings, insurance, securities, beneficiary certificates, etc.), automobiles (passenger cars, vans, trucks, special vehicles, two-wheeled vehicles), liabilities


2) Simulation calculation method
We’ll show you how to check the next upper tier that you can do on your own. It is difficult to calculate the recognized income by yourself, so please use the simulated calculation function on the Welfare homepage. It’s not 100% accurate, but it can give you an idea of what your median income is.



Welfare Road homepage



The method for checking the next upper class is as follows. Select National Basic Livelihood Security in the simulated calculation from the Welfare Service menu on the Welfare Road website.


Simulated calculation with welfare – how to check the next upper class

The results from simulation calculations can be used for simple reference. In fact, it is said that if you apply, you will conduct a public data investigation. This calculation comes out in line with the 2023 standard.


Welfare service simulated calculation

① Basic information

In Basic Information, you can enter your household information. The number of household members is essential when calculating the standard median income. It seems that you can write it based on the resident registration certificate.


Basic Information
Basic Information

② Income property information

Prepare various income information and expenditure factors. It’s a simulated calculation, so it’s okay if it’s not an exact amount. When applying later, the amount is calculated using public data, so there is a difference, but you can use it roughly enough to check whether you are below 50% of the standard median income.


Income property information 1
Income property information 1

Enter general property information as well as vehicle and debt information.


Income property information 2
Income property information 2

③ Medical benefit information

You only need to enter Yes or No for medical benefit information. Now, if you select View Results, you can calculate your own recognized income.


Medical benefit information
Medical benefit information


2. Benefits for the next-upper class
Currently, subsistence support, medical support, housing support, educational support, care support, cultural law, and other support are available to the next-lowest class. The basic benefits for the next-upper class by type (as of the second half of 2022) are as follows.


Type of Support Income Criteria
Disability allowance of KRW 40,000 for the next-income disabled person below 50% of the median income
Reduction of co-payments for the second-income group Supporting medical expenses for patients with chronic diseases, etc. 50% or less of the median income
50% or less of the median income linked to the second-tier self-sufficiency business
Confirmation of the next-highest class: 50% or less of the median income, including discounts on electricity and telecommunication rates
Support for children under the age of 18 in single-parent families;
Education support for middle and high school students 52% or less of the median income

If you want to know how many welfare services the next-upper class can receive, you can search for the next-upper class on the Welfare Road homepage. There are 501 items related to welfare services.


Second-tier search results
Second-tier search results


3. Application for the next upper class
Applications for the next upper class cannot be made online and can only be applied in person (offline).


1) Apply at the community center
Enter the number of household members and income in the simulated calculation to check, and if you think you are in the second upper class, visit the community service center (eup, myeon, or dong office) belonging to your address for consultation.


When applying, we check your work ability, income, and whether you are obligated to support. If the applicant’s immediate family and spouse are high-income earners with an annual income of KRW 100 million or real estate exceeding KRW 900 million, the next-upper class standard is not applied.


Property and income matters are comprehensively judged, and after a review period of about 30 days, the next highest class is selected.


① Application form

Consent to Provision of Social Security Benefits, Provision of Financial Information, etc.


② Required Documents

Copy of registration, lease agreement, documents confirming income and property



2) Certificate issuance at welfare road
On the Welfare Road website, you can make a mock calculation before applying for the next upper class, and you can issue a certificate after being selected. The second-income class certificate must be submitted when applying for multiple welfare services. Priority is applied when applying for housing or scholarships for your child.


The certificates that can be issued from welfare roads are disability certificates, next-upper class certificates, and single-parent family certificates. A joint certificate is required at the time of issuance.


You can select Certificate Issuance from the service application menu.


Certificate issuance menu
Certificate issuance menu


We learned how to identify the next-upper class and the benefits of the next-upper class. There are still many people who are not receiving the benefits of the government’s welfare policy.