카카오뱅크 이체확인증 How to view Kakao Bank transfer history and receive Kakao Bank transfer confirmation

12. Select the actual transaction details that require a transfer confirmation from among the viewed details and click Next.

13. After final confirmation, click Apply to complete the transfer confirmation application.

카카오뱅크 이체확인증
14. When the application is completed in this way, the information about the issuance of the transfer confirmation will be texted. If you receive a text message like this, you can access the Kakao Bank homepage and print the confirmation. 카카오뱅크 이체확인증

Kakao Bank transfer confirmation PC printing 이베이스매뉴얼

How nice it would be if it ended like this.

But now it remains to connect to the PC and print out the confirmation.

1. First of all, you need to access the Kakao Bank homepage, so search for Kakao Bank on Naver and access the homepage.

2. After accessing the homepage, if you hover your mouse over ‘Customer Center’ in the menu at the top, detailed items will appear. Select ‘My Certificate Issuance History’ from the certificate.

3. You need to log in to the homepage to check issuance details. Make sure to click log in.

4. When you click log in, a QR code and authentication number appear as above. At first, I wondered what to do with this.

There may be people who are lost like me, so to explain, it is a method of connecting by running the Kakao Bank app on your smartphone.

4-1. To log in, press … (three dots) at the bottom right of the Kakao Bank app and press the ‘App Settings’ icon at the top right.

4-2. After selecting PC login among the PC connection items in the app settings, you can log in by selecting either QR code login or authentication number login. (The QR code is certainly convenient.)

5. If the login is complete, you can check the issuance details, but it would be better to check the status of your printer through ‘Test Print’ before printing.

In particular, when issuing and printing for the first time, it is recommended to print after testing because there is a program that requires installation from Kakao Bank.

6. After installing the program that requires installation in Kakao Bank, if the test output is normal, press the print button to check the ‘document issue’ button, and press this button to print the end.

I’ve been dealing with how to issue and print a Kakao Bank transfer confirmation certificate like this, but I thought that it might feel a little complicated or difficult because I wanted to explain it in as much detail as possible.

However, if you follow one by one from the beginning, you can get issued very easily, so I hope it will help those who need it.