카카오뱅크 직장인 신용대출 Kakao Bank to provide credit loans with interest rates as low as 4% to low and medium credit borrowers | Korea Economic Daily

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‘Liquidity Flood’ Credit Loans Increase by 11 Trillion Won… Warning Lights for Overheating in Stock Market and Real Estate [Kim Ik-hwan’s Foreign Exchange and Finance Watch]

In April, the increase in household loans reached 16.1 trillion won, the highest ever. This is interpreted as a result of individuals increasing their debt to secure funds for subscription to SK IE Technology public offering shares and Bitcoin investments. As liquidity flows in,…

Kakao Bank ‘Expands’ Loans for Low and Mid Credit Users… ‘Lowers’ by Up to 1.2% Points

Kakao Bank announced on the 12th that it will lower the loan interest rate for low and mid credit users by up to 1.2% points. A Kakao Bank official explained, “It is a measure to expand the supply of low- and mid-credit loan products based on Kakao Bank’s own credit.” Self-credit…

“Toss is out of the question”… Kakao Bank and K Bank, ‘speed’ in growing in size [Issue+]

Kakao Bank and K Bank are growing in size rapidly. Last month, about 2.25 trillion won was poured into these banks, and their loan volume exceeded 27 trillion won. K Bank, which had been sluggish, also surpassed 10 trillion won in deposits. SKIE…

“Short skirts were risky on the subway… Women must like it”

“She looks exactly like my daughter” Surprised… Woman requests ‘paternity test’

“Trump proposes ‘elimination of all North Korean troops'”… Shocking revelations

“Please don’t ride the elevator at night”… Neighbors’ appeal ‘noisy’

Failed in Korea in a month, went to the US, and sold out… ‘Big twist’

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