카카오톡 백업 및 복원하는 방법 How to backup and restore KakaoTalk

If you lose your cell phone or change it because it is old, you must back up KakaoTalk. If you do not make a backup, you will not be able to restore the previous KakaoTalk contents, so it will be very difficult if you have an important group chat room or need to check the KakaoTalk contents frequently. Even if someone else in the group chat room invites you, all previous KakaoTalk content will be deleted and only KakaoTalk content after being invited will remain, so backing up and restoring KakaoTalk is essential. We will teach you how to quickly and simply backup and restore KakaoTalk.카카오톡 백업

카카오톡 백업

Let’s quickly back up KakaoTalk



First, if you run the KakaoTalk app, it will appear as shown in the picture on the left. Click the gear icon (option) in the upper right corner. When you press it, three options appear: Edit, Sort, and Global Settings. Click Global Settings for recovery/backup.



If you click on all settings, various settings options will appear. Click on chat in the middle, and when you click on it, the picture on the right will appear, and you can click on chat backup at the top.



If you click Conversation Backup, you will need to set a password for backup. Please note that this is not the password you use to log in to KakaoTalk, so you can set it to a different number. You can use a password from 4 to 16 digits, but I simply set it to 4 digits. Enter the backup password you set, confirm the password, and click the confirm button in the upper right corner of the photo on the right.




When you press the backup password, the phrase Backup conversation… will appear at the bottom along with a duck emoticon as shown in the photo on the left, and the percentage gauge will gradually increase. They say it takes longer if the volume of KakaoTalk conversations is large, but I think it took about 3 minutes. Even for people with a lot of KakaoTalk records, all conversations seem to be backed up in about 5 minutes. When the backup is complete, it will say that the photo chat backup on the right has been completed. If you accidentally click Delete Backup Data below, all backup data you have just made will be deleted.




Order of restoring backed up KakaoTalk

Now that you have completed your backup, you need to restore the backed up data. To restore, follow the steps above. The backup password is impossible to find, so if you have trouble remembering it, be sure to write it down on your phone or on paper.




KakaoTalk restoration procedure

■ After logging in to your Kakao account, verify your phone number. (Cannot be restored when creating a new KakaoTalk account)
■ If you have a history of backing up your conversations, enter your profile information and the conversation restoration screen will appear. Check the backup date and OS and click the Restore button.
■ Enter the password you set when backing up (be sure to remember it as it is impossible to find)
■ If the entered password matches, restoration will proceed.
■ Once restoration is complete, click the Start KakaoTalk button to run it.

KakaoTalk backup recovery
KakaoTalk backup recovery
In addition, since the conversation contents of the PC version of KakaoTalk can be backed up, I will explain how to back up and restore the mobile and PC versions of KakaoTalk in the post.

KakaoTalk backup
KakaoTalk settings
First, I will tell you how to back up mobile KakaoTalk conversations. Click the KakaoTalk Show More icon to enter settings. Then select chat.

conversation backup
So here we have a backup of the conversation at the top. Conversation/media backup is still a beta service. You can store your KakaoTalk conversations, photos, videos, etc.

Because it takes a long time, I will use general conversation backup as an example in this post. To back up all KakaoTalk data, please proceed to Back up conversations/media.

Chat backups can only be restored if they are reinstalled within 14 days. Touch Conversation Backup to save the current conversation.

What if KakaoTalk cannot be restored?

This is a case where KakaoTalk cannot be restored. Please note that if even one of these applies, it will not be restored. For reference, only text of less than 4000 characters can be backed up, and methods for backing up multimedia such as photos and videos are still being developed. Secret chat and open chat also cannot be recovered because they are not official KakaoTalk chat.