카톡 투데이 How to check the number of KakaoTalk profile visitors

카톡 투데이Today, we are going to learn how to check KakaoTalk profile visitors.
When I do KakaoTalk, sometimes who visits my profile? How many people have visited? There are times when you want to know.
However, there was no way to verify this until now.
However, if you combine a few recently created features, it is possible to check KakaoTalk profile visitors.
Of course, it is also possible to check the number of visitors.
Find out how below.

1. Not all KakaoTalk profile visitors can be checked.

2. You can check if a specific person has visited your KakaoTalk profile.

3. You can combine KakaoTalk’s multi-profile function and Today function.

4. Click the Plus button in the multi-profile menu on the KakaoTalk Friends page.


5. Now you will see a screen to create a new KakaoTalk profile, click the heart shape at the bottom of the screen.


6. Then you will see several icons. Touch the screen in the downward direction to look down.


7. Then you will see the TODAY icon, click it.


8. On the sticker editing screen, select the color of the TODAY icon and click OK at the top right.


9. Now, the TODAY function is created in the new KakaoTalk profile, and it is completed by clicking Done in the upper right corner.


10. Now, with the TODAY function working on this profile, it is now possible to check the number of KakaoTalk profile visitors.

11. This time, click the friend management menu at the bottom of the screen.


12. Click the Add designated friend menu.


13. Select a friend to show the multi-profile and click OK in the upper right corner


14. This added a friend to show your new multi profile.


15. As above, one friend has been added to the multi-profile. And with the addition of the TODAY function, it became possible to check the number of KakaoTalk profile visitors.

16. If the number of visitors to the Kakao Talk profile goes up, it means that the friend I designated has visited. Because this profile only shows one person.

17. In this way, it is possible to check KakaoTalk profile visitors.

18. However, I must remember the number of visitors when I visited because my visits are also counted and the number goes up.

So far, we have looked at how to check KakaoTalk profile visitors.
We also looked at how to check the number of KakaoTalk profile visitors.
As we have seen above, it is a method to create a multi-profile, designate only one friend, and add the TODAY function.
You can create up to 3 multi-profiles, so you can check if up to 3 people are visiting your KakaoTalk profile.
On the other hand, if you think about it, trying to find out if a certain person visits your profile or not can be very tiring.
It is safe to say that whether or not you visit my profile has little impact on our lives.
Even so, there are many people who can’t stand the question.
It will be up to you to decide whether to use the above features to solve your curiosity or to just turn off your mind and live comfortably.


카톡 투데이

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