쿠팡이츠 사장님사이트 Learn how to sign up and open a Coupang Eats owner’s site store.

Let’s learn about how to sign up and open a store on the Coupang Eats owner’s site. Prospective owners of Coupang Eats stores, please take note.

Find out how to open a store on the Coupang Eats owner’s website
What is Coupang Eats CEO’s site?
The Coupang Eats owner site is a site used by those who want to open their own stores on the food delivery platform Coupang Eats.

You can sign up for the Coupang Eats Store through the Coupang Eats owner’s site and consult and apply for opening a store with Coupang Eats. If you use the Coupang Eats owner’s site, the registration fee and store entry fees are all free.

Go to Coupang Eats CEO’s site
How to sign up for the Coupang Eats owner’s site store

Signing up for the Coupang Eats owner’s site store is really simple.

Access Coupang Eats CEO’s website
Click to sign up for store membership
robot certification
Enter information such as business registration number
Agree to Terms of Use
Click Agree and Proceed
Go to Coupang Eats CEO’s site
How to open a store on the Coupang Eats owner’s website
When you sign up for the Coupang Eats owner’s site, a person in charge will contact the owner directly and help you open a Coupang Eats store.

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Please note that CEOs who wish to receive consultation right away can make inquiries through the KakaoTalk consultation service on the Coupang Eats CEO website or by phone.

Coupang Eats CEO’s website entry checklist
This is the checklist for entering the Coupang Eats website. You must be able to answer yes to all questions. please note.

1. Have you prepared the required documents (business registration certificate, bankbook copy, business report certificate)?

2. Is the business status on the business registration certificate as food, food service, instant sales manufacturing/processing business? (including general restaurant/restaurant/bakery business)

Under the Food Sanitation Act, the business address indicated on the license must match the delivery address (store address) of food sold by Coupang Eats.

3. Is the menu structured?

Main menu and side menu composition
Origin information
Beverage Capacity Information
4. Do you have packaging containers available?

5. Do you have a POS or mobile device available to accept orders?

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Benefits of entering Coupang Eats’ website
This is a benefit for entering the website of the owner of Coupang Eats.

Costs incurred during the store entry process
There are no subscription fees, advertising fees, or cancellation fees.
* A fee is charged per order when placed.
Free photo shoot provided
You can have an expert visit the store and take photos of food menus for free on Coupang Eats.