If I had to pick the seasons that use the most electricity, it would be midsummer and midwinter. Although it is said that electricity rates have come down a lot compared to the past due to the relaxation of the progressive section, it is true that it is still a burden during the peak electricity consumption season. Today, we learned how to easily inquire about electricity bills online.
1. How to search by customer number
1) Confirm customer number
2. Those who live in an apartment
1. How to search by customer number 한전 전기요금 조회
People who come to their homes with separate bills for electricity bills can easily find out their electricity bills by inquiring with their customer number.
1) Confirm customer number 좋은뉴스
You need to know your ‘customer number’ to check your electricity bill. A customer number is a management number assigned to a customer who has signed an individual contract with KEPCO. It is written on the electricity bill that comes to your house.
If you do not have a bill and do not know your customer number, you can look at the electricity meter.
As shown in the picture below, there is a unique number at the bottom of the meter. If you call KEPCO and call this meter number, you can find out the unique number. The phone number for the KEPCO Customer Center is 123 without an area code.
KEPCO Customer Center 123
meter NO
2) From the top menu of the KEPCO website (http://cyber.kepco.co.kr/), click ‘Payment by inquiry > Payment inquiry > Simple inquiry’.
KEPCO Cyber Branch website
KEPCO Cyber Branch
3) Select ‘customer number’ in the search condition, select the month you want to search, and click the Search button.
Electric bill simple inquiry screen
Electricity bill simple inquiry
You can also view your past payment history here. It’s at the bottom of the left menu.
2. Those who live in an apartment
Those who live in an apartment whose electricity bill is included in the maintenance fee do not have a separate customer number. This is because these apartments are under contract with KEPCO. So, KEPCO notifies the apartment management office of individual usage per household, but not to individuals. These people need to contact the management office to find out the electricity bill.