해군복지포탈체계 신청 및 이용방법 How to apply and use the Navy Welfare Portal System

Many people are spending time exercising on the Naval Welfare Portal System. Even though it is a hot summer, this passion is not cooling down. Personally, I always recommend this to my acquaintances because I think it is a good way to avoid physical strain in the fall and winter. Today, let’s take a brief look at the Naval Welfare Portal.



If you use the Internet, which is a medium that anyone can easily check, you can check most of the information you want. Of course, there are cases where that is not the case, but these days, there is so much data that if there is something missing, you can ask people who have knowledge.

You can also access the Naval Welfare Portal System in that way. First, let’s find out if you can access it using the official Navy website.

How to access the Navy website
Well, if you have a website that you frequently use, you can search there. Since I have been using Daum since I was a regular user, I will just start using it here.

When you first access the Navy website, you can see the appearance of a beautiful warship and various guides. At the top, there are news and information including an introduction to the Navy. It will be harder to find what you want than you think. In that case, move to the center of the site.

Guide to shortcuts to the Navy Welfare Portal System

If you look at the center of the homepage, there is a separate menu called shortcut. If you look there, you can see the free bulletin board, civil complaint application, Sea Love Scholarship Foundation, tour application, and the desired Navy Welfare Portal System next to it.

If you access it this way, you can see the menu where you can apply for a physical training center reservation or check the reservation status.

For basic reservations, you can proceed by logging in. Since the physical training center and hotel hall are separated, please check this part carefully. It is said that there are physical training centers in Pyeongtaek, Jinhae, Donghae, Pohang, and Deoksan University.