호시노 루비 [Ruby] Pretty Scoop -Pretty Scoop- – BL Comic eBook – Ridi

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BL comics e-book
overseas comics

4.1 points14 participants

Written and illustrated by Nase Yamato

Published by Hyundai Intelligence Development Co., Ltd.

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<[Ruby] Pretty Scoop -Pretty Scoop-> Newspaper employee Sada’s dream is to get a scoop on justice.

In order to write articles for people, I train every day under the guidance of Nanjo-senpai, who is a bit scary but has a great cap.

Let’s go out!! Ravi Shutter No. 1! (Favorite Camera) A great book that also includes a service comic!!

ⓒ Nase Yamato 2003.
Originally Published in Japan in 2003 by Libre Publishing Co.,Ltd.
On-line transmission rights for Korean Language Version authorized by Libre Publishing Co.,Ltd.

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4.0 points14 participants
3.7 points22 people participated
3.8 points60 people participated
4.3 points 84 people participated
4.6 points359 people participated


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[Ruby] Pretty Scoop -Pretty Scoop-
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