화물운송자격증 시험 문제 Freight transport license test questions

When you start a transportation business, there are basic qualifications you need. The most basic driver’s license and freight forwarder’s license are required. While preparing for a job, there are some people who think of it as a driver’s license test and do not study. But it’s not as easy as you might think. It’s not that difficult, but it’s a level you’ll need to study to pass. Some people purchase problem books and study, but when they take the actual test, they solve the problems with a computer in the CBT method.

화물운송자격증 시험 문제



In the same way, you can solve previous problems, expected problems, practice problems, and even check your score. All you need is a computer at home. Of course, there is no additional cost and it is free. From now on, in order to help those who are preparing for a transportation-related job, we will guide you through past exam questions and online exams for freight transportation licenses. 화물운송자격증 시험 문제


The online test for obtaining a cargo transportation license is available on the barotest site. 좋은뉴스 





You have moved to the Drivers Barotest website. Please select the cargo transport license on the main screen. This is the part marked in red. Summary data is also available.





You can solve past questions, solve expected questions, solve practical questions, and download test materials as follows.


It helps to save candidates time and money, so please prepare for the exam by referring to the contents of the bulletin board.





This is test data. There are data on cargo transportation qualification test summary, related laws, handling tips, transportation services, and safe operation.





Let’s choose to solve the problem.





A distinction is made between the expected problem and the expected problem. It is divided into traffic and trucking business related laws, safety operation matters, cargo handling tips, and transportation service subjects. Click Solve Problem to solve the problem.





Read the question and select an answer to check whether it is correct or not. If you do not log in, only some problems can be solved.





If the answer is incorrect, it is not correct. You can check messages.





To register as a member to solve all problems, please click Sign Up in the upper left corner. There is no separate cost involved. Available for free.





This is related to membership registration. Just read it once.





Agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and click Sign Up for Individual Membership.





When the application form appears, enter your ID, password, name (real name), date of birth, address, phone number, cell phone number, email, and anti-spam code, then click Sign Up. I don’t have a landline phone, so I entered my cell phone number once more because it was a required input.





After signing up, let’s try to solve the actual problem this time.





This is a corner where you can solve problems in the same subject and number of questions as in the actual exam. You can check the score by querying the result and try to solve only the wrong problem again. The test subjects are 50 minutes long with 40 questions in total: traffic and trucking business related laws (25 questions) + cargo handling tips (15 questions) in the 1st period, and safety driving matters (25 questions) + transportation service (15 questions) in the 2nd period. ) Total of 40 questions, 50 minutes. Please click Troubleshoot.





If you encounter any problems, please solve them one by one.





When finished, click Save + Check Result. There is a menu for changing settings. Let’s click.





You can also make a phone call to confirm the correct answer after the end. Just click OK. It is possible to set the key point to be visible. Click OK and let’s see how it turns out.





There are key points in the problem as follows, and you can get help in the form of problem solving.



We have guided you through past exam questions and how to take the online test for your freight forwarding license. I memorized the correct answer right away while solving the key points of past questions and expected questions. I solved all subjects once, checked my score through practical problem solving, and reviewed the wrong questions again. If you repeat the same method over and over again, you will feel that your score improves. If you score above a certain level, you can pass the test even if you go to the test center.


In my case, I raised my score to 80 points. I got a high score.