휴일지킴이 약국(feat. 토요일, 일요일, 공휴일, 야간 약국 찾기) Holiday Keeper Pharmacy (feat. Find a pharmacy on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, and nighttime)

If you suddenly get sick at night or on the weekend, there is no solution. It’s not enough to go to the emergency room, but there are times when I feel like I need to take medicine and it’s difficult. Especially when my child gets sick on Saturday evening or Sunday, I feel sorry for him and it’s hard to stay still.


휴일지킴이 약국

휴일지킴이 약국

Pharmacists felt sorry for this situation and created a website called “Holiday Keeper Pharmacy.” Pharmacy Search is a gracious site where you can search for pharmacies that are open even on holidays, and you can also search for pharmacies 24/7.



Go to Holiday Keeper Pharmacy website



When you enter the site, there are two options: “Holiday Keeper Pharmacy Search” and “Year-Old Pharmacy Search.” These two are similar, but have slightly different personalities.


Holiday keeper pharmacies are pharmacies that are open at specific times (Chuseok, Lunar New Year, etc.)

A 24/7 pharmacy literally refers to a pharmacy that is open all year round.



Holiday Keeper Pharmacy
You can search for “holiday pharmacy” to see if a pharmacy near you (not open year-round) will be open during the upcoming holiday season. For reference, when looking for an address, you can search by just entering the “district” unit.



24/7 pharmacy search
If you search for “pharmacies open 24/7,” you will find pharmacies that can be used even at night or on weekends.



Map search
You can also search by pressing the map through the “Map Search” category at the top.



Search Results
If you look at the search results, you will see something like the one above. Be sure to check the “operating hours”, “category”, and “current operation” first before going.


“Operation hours” is essential. Even though pharmacies are open 365 days a year, they are closed at night, so be sure to check the hours.


“Category” is divided into “Year-round”, “Night”, and “Year+Night”.

“Year-round” means open all year round but closed at night. “Night” refers to pharmacies that work only at night, and “Year+Night” refers to pharmacies that work all year round until nighttime.”


“Current operation” is colored green and yellow.

Green refers to pharmacies that have been confirmed to be in operation through automatic pharmacy computer signals, and yellow refers to pharmacies that do not have automatic signals and require a phone call.


Click on the magnifying glass in “View Map” to check the location of the pharmacy on Kakao Map.



The only downside to this gracious site is that it does not yet have a mobile site. ㅠㅠ Even when viewed on mobile, it looks the same as when viewed on PC. However, you can search, so you will have no problem finding a pharmacy.


If you urgently need medicine at night, on a holiday, or during a holiday, search for a nearby pharmacy on the “Holiday Keeper Pharmacy” website.