근처 24시카페 찾는 방법 및 어플 How to find a nearby 24-hour cafe and app

When I went to Saesoldong, my mom said there was a good cafe that was open 24 hours a day and was unmanned, so I suggested we check it out.



That’s how I ended up visiting the cafe, Manwolgyeong Saesol Branch.


Because it was located on a main road, it was easily visible and was right in front of the bus stop, Geumgang Pantherium, so it was a good place to visit.




Manwolgyeong is said to mean ‘moon and whale’.

As its name suggests, the moon and whale were prominent signs.


As it is an unmanned cafe, it is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

It turned out to be a famous brand with 27 branches.

After visiting Manwolgyeong myself, I could understand why.

The price was cheap and the taste was very good.


When I went inside the store and looked around, the interior was emotional.

Plus, it was very neatly maintained and comfortable.


A coupon that many people were visiting and collecting caught my eye.

After filling out all ten fields, send a photo to the number written on the coupon.

You can get a free drink by scanning the coupon you received with the QR code scanner at the payment terminal.


24-hour unmanned cafes often have trash piled up or traces of many people coming and going, but that wasn’t the case here.

I thought they put a lot of effort into management.


Various desserts such as pound cake and financier also caught my eye.

I thought it would be a good place to visit when you feel frustrated staying at home or want to relax while eating a snack.


As it is a very popular brand, many people who dream of starting a cafe are looking for it.

I think it would be a good idea to refer to the fact that we hold a business briefing session at the Manwolgyeong headquarters for about 2 hours every Saturday from 2pm.


24-hour unmanned cafe Manwolgyung (manwolgyung.com)

24-hour unmanned cafe Manwolgyeong

‘Cafe Manwolgyeong’ has emerged as a ‘trend these days’ cafe with low cafe startup costs, transparent sales disclosure, and ‘taste competitiveness’ that even baristas frequent.




I took a look inside the Manwolgyeong Saesol branch and placed an order.

There were many choices including coffee, ade, latte, and tea.


When you want to choose a dessert, you can look at the machine next to where you order drinks.

I thought it would be nice to visit with children because they not only have simple snacks like margarons and cookies, but also drinks for children.




There was a seminar room inside the store.

Now it is available for free.

They say it will be open for free for the time being.


A picture on the wall caught my eye.

I felt that the color suited the name Moon and Whale.


On one side there was a carrier, lid, cup holder, straw, syrup, etc.

I visited often and kept refilling, so everything was neatly stored.

There was nothing messy or uncomfortable at all.





Since I came to the Saesoldong cafe, I decided to drink coffee.

I ordered a cafe latte, which I always drink.

Overall, it was a good place for a light visit as the price was reasonable.




Unmanned cafes often lack space to sit and relax.

However, I liked that the Manwolgyeong was quite spacious.


There are a few tables and a seminar room, so it’s not cramped.




I only drank coffee, but you can eat outside food.

They say that simple snacks without any smell are okay.


Still, there are a variety of desserts such as macarons, levain cookies, and scones, so I think it would be a good idea to buy them here.


Manwolgyeong has many benefits, but I especially liked the coffee beans.

Even though it was cheap, it tasted really good.

It tasted different from the ones you get at regular franchises.


There was an explanation that a special specialty was used, but it seems like it’s really on a different level.




This is an iced cafe latte from Manwolgyeol Saesol Cafe.

I think I will visit often in the future 🙂