NBTI 의미 및 유형 무료테스트 할 수 있는 곳 NBTI Meaning and Types Where to Test for Free

Everyone must have taken the popular MBTI test these days. Have you ever taken the NBTI test? The MBTI test is a test that categorizes people into a total of 16 personality types. It’s quite accurate, so it’s popular these days, and it’s especially popular with the MZ generation. NBTI test, NBTI test is an abbreviation of New best type indicator and is also called Neutro test.


Newtro is a compound word that combines the meanings of New “new” and Retro “retro”. You could say it’s a new trend in retro style.


This is NBTI, a Neutro propensity test made in Jongno-gu. I think it’s good to try it for fun.

You can enjoy it very lightly with a total of 12 questions. The result of whirling in 3 minutes is “Retro addicted Han Seok-bong hyung”. lol


NBTI 의미 및 유형 무료테스트

NBTI 의미 및 유형 무료테스트

You resemble Han Seok-bong, the best calligrapher in Joseon.

Han Seok-bong is a person who made his name known in the Ming Dynasty with his excellent calligraphy skills. In order to write beautiful letters, you must have needed a space where you can concentrate. Introducing a place with a quiet and Korean atmosphere that Han Seok-bong would have liked. This is the modern version of Han Seok-bong Hideout. If you want to concentrate on your work or just relax, the spaces recommended by NBTI will be great.

The perfect match retro type is “Chunhyang hyung, a delightful girl full of emotion”, and the lucky item is “fountain pen and handkerchief”.

Jeong Seon, Kim Jeong-hee, and Park Chan-wook are famous Han Seok-bong hyungs.

The delightful girl Chunhyang hyung is the modern version of Chunhyang, with a bizarre and lively personality, and I think she is the ENvy T.I type who reminisces about the 2000s.


Go to the NBTI test
Take the NBTI test for free

You can try it in the link above. It’s over soon, so I recommend you to try it for fun.


Recommended places include Mugyewon in Jongno, Tongin Oriental Pharmacy, Myeonggaheon, Golden Kodari, and Gangseong Myeonggwa. If you have a chance to go to Jongno, you should refer to it.