포스트바이오틱스 효능, 추천, 제품 고르는 팁 총정리 Summary of postbiotics benefits, recommendations, and product selection tips

Postbiotics Efficacy Side Effects
포스트바이오틱스 효능
This is Dodam, the health guide. Today, we are going to learn about the efficacy of the new biotics Lactobacillus Postbiotics.

포스트바이오틱스 효능

Postbiotics is a metabolite of lactic acid bacteria that kills harmful bacteria in the intestines, and the dried product of lactobacillus culture is added to new biotics, which adds probiotics and prebiotics, which are food for lactic acid bacteria. In general, lactic acid bacteria are living bacteria, so they are weak to heat and acid and die. However, since the key ingredient of postbiotics is not a living microorganism, but a protein like an antibiotic substance such as bacteriocin, it is characterized by relatively high pH concentration such as heat and stomach acid or bile acid. It is effective even when used for various high-temperature dishes.

In addition, the complicated conditions and time required to make lactobacillus cultured dry matter are omitted, so it is directly delivered to the intestines and has a high bioabsorption rate.



Postbiotics efficacy


Phosbiotics efficacy first:

diet efficacy.

– The core ingredient of postbiotics is bacteriocin, a natural antibiotic produced by lactic acid bacteria that kills harmful bacteria. As bad harmful bacteria die, it is effective in removing waste accumulated in various organs, such as ectopic fat in the liver and neutral fat in blood vessels. In addition, it even helps with a diet to get rid of the fattening constitution.

To prove this, the International Food Science and Technology Association has revealed that postbiotics have anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory, and even anti-hypertensive and anti-cancer effects.


Postbiotics efficacy second:

Helps smooth bowel movements and constipation.



– Helps smooth intestinal peristalsis and induces moisture in the stool to make bowel movement smooth, preventing constipation.



Postbiotics efficacy third:

Boosts immunity.



– Postbiotics are weakly acidic and help to sterilize the intestines, suppressing harmful bacteria in the intestines and improving immunity.



The fourth efficacy of postbiotics: anti-inflammatory action.


– If you have inflammation as a representative symptom of reduced immunity, go to the hospital and get an antibiotic injection. The problem can be resistance, so the natural antibiotics made by research help get rid of inflammation with bacteriocin in postbiotics.


Postbiotics Side Effects


Synbiotics + metabolites of lactic acid bacteria,

The daily recommended intake of postbiotics, a dry culture of lactic acid bacteria, is about 4g.

Excessive intake can cause abdominal distension and diarrhea, so be sure to eat with caution.


Buying Postbiotics

For better intestinal health

Lactic acid bacteria + prebiotics + postbiotics

It is recommended to consume combined products.

1. Acidophilus culture of lactic acid bacteria


Contains several functionalities of carefully selected sub-ingredients such as dead cells mixed powder, Lactobacillus delbruchy, and Lactobacillus reuteri.

2. Probiotics, frakto-oligosaccharide, zinc, pantothenic acid, etc. How many types of complex functional ingredients are strictly formulated for the health of the whole family It is also recommended to carefully check the manufacturer of certified health functional food!!

I hope you will take a good look at the above and refer to it to see the proper efficacy without discomfort.