인터넷 우체국 내용 증명 How to send certified mail, how to fill out the Internet post office

인터넷 우체국 내용 증명 A proof of contents is a document that proves the contents of the letter. So, it is used to prove what kind of content was sent, and it is often used as a means of negotiation before going to litigation, when a specific intention must be expressed at a certain time, when a notification must be given at a certain time to be effective.

There is a standard format for the content statement and the postal envelope. You have to follow this format carefully to be able to apply safely, but since it is not a document that you see often, there are many cases where you don’t follow this format well. Therefore, there may be a case of re-registration or return at the postal window. If one of the is filled out incorrectly, it may be rewritten or troublesome.

Print out 3 copies of the completed certificate of contents and put a stamp on each certification document. (Print out 3 copies each for sending, storing, and post office). If the contents of the three copies are confirmed, stamp the seal, attach a sticker, put one of these copies in an envelope, and attach it with glue to complete the submission of the certificate of contents.

[Internet Post Office Homepage] – [Mail] – [Certification Service] – [Certificate of Contents] – Creation Program Installation

body writing

If you have entered the personal information of the sender and recipient of the certificate of contents, come down and click ‘Create Body’. If you have a Hangul file or a Word file, you can import the text, and if there is no written content, you can write the content in ‘Direct mail writing’.

written by hand

You can fill out the content statement in the direct mail form, but this is the form that many people are confused about. The sender’s name, address, and recipient’s name and address to be entered in the contents are entered according to the form through the program without having to write them separately.


There is a certificate from the Internet Postmaster that proves the contents of the contents certificate. Check with [Preview] and click Finish Creation. After checking the number of written pages, click the [Send] button to request proof of contents.

shipping cost

When you complete the application and transmission of the certificate, the amount will come out and proceed with payment by selecting various payment methods. The amount for sending the proof of contents was 10,390, including the fee for the proof of contents, postage and registration fee, production fee, and delivery agency fee. When the payment is completed, it is automatically completed in a mailing envelope that fits the format and the contents that fit the format, and the shipment is completed.

You can send proof of contents to the Internet post office online simply and easily from home or at home. Using the easy and simple postal service may be faster and save time.

Mail-Certificate Service-Certificate of contents
Content Certification HOME Mail Certification Service Content Certification

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