어린이 보호구역 속도위반 벌금 조회하는 방법 How to look up fines for speeding in children’s zones

Children’s zone speed violation is limited to 30 km. Of course, we are also cracking down on illegal parking, so today we are going to learn about fines and penalty points for violations. As of March 25, 2020, as a measure to strengthen traffic safety in child protection zones, if an accident occurs in a school zone, additional punishment will be imposed, so special attention is required.
어린이 보호구역 속도위반
There are times when you unintentionally break traffic laws while driving. However, speeding and traffic violations in children’s zones are absolutely prohibited. It is not only because of the fines and penalty points imposed for violations in child protection zones as the Minsik Act was implemented, but also because the safety of children is the top priority. Now let’s find out how much fines and penalty points are for violations.


어린이 보호구역 속도위반

What is a child protection zone (school zone)?
Children’s Zone-Signs-Type
Children’s protection area refers to an area designated to protect and protect children under the age of 13 from the risk of traffic accidents in accordance with the Road Traffic Act. A child protection zone can be designated as a certain section of roads within a radius of 300m centered on the entrance gates of daycare centers, kindergartens, elementary schools, special schools, and academies.


In addition, the crackdown time within the child protection area is applied. Enforcement hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., 365 days a year. In other words, public holidays do not apply to day of enforcement of child protection areas, and even during school holidays, enforcement hours of child protection areas remain the same.


Safety rules for child protection areas
Children-Protection Zone-Three-Safety Rules
There are several safety rules to follow within the child protection area. You must not park or stop in a child protection zone, as parked cars may block children and prevent drivers and pedestrians from seeing each other.


Also, since a child may suddenly jump onto the road, you must drive slowly at less than 30 km/h while keeping an eye on the left and right.


Demerit points and fines for speeding violations in child protection zones
Children’s Zone – Penalty Points – and – Fines – Table
Previously, we learned about the safety rules to be followed in the child protection area. From now on, let’s look at the penalty points and fines imposed for speeding violations in child protection zones.


Penalty points for speed violations in child protection zones are 30 points, 60 points, and 120 points in turn, starting with 15 points at 20 km/h intervals, and 15 points for violating signals and instructions. It can be seen that the penalty points for traffic violations on general roads are twice as high.



The standards for fines imposed for speeding violations in child protection zones are the same as the standards for penalty points. Fines for speed violations range from 60,000 won to a maximum of 150,000 won, and a fine of 120,000 won is imposed for violation of signals and directions. As with demerit points, fines twice as high as speeding violations on public roads are imposed.


If a traffic accident occurs with a child, it is recognized as one of the 12 grossly negligent accidents under the Traffic Accident Handling Special Act, regardless of whether comprehensive insurance is purchased or an agreement is reached with the victim. In that case, you will be sentenced to imprisonment for 1 to 15 years or a fine ranging from 5 million won to 30 million won. That’s why it’s important to always be careful while passing through child protection areas.


However, there are cases where a child comes and bumps into a car while it is stopped in a child protection zone. So, if you don’t pass through the children’s protection area from the beginning, you can avoid unwanted accidents. Therefore, it is recommended to set the navigation system to find a way to bypass the child protection area, and then return even if it is far from the destination.