티켓양도 방법 How to get tickets for 2022 Waterbomb (Beware of scams)

티켓양도 방법✅2022 Waterbomb lineup, schedule, supplies, ticket price, ticket transfer (Daegu, Busan, Incheon, Suwon)

Waterbomb ticket transfer

It is announced that ticket transfers and ticket transactions between individuals are possible only on the safe trading platform EE Market. However, tickets are implicitly traded in places like cafes.

EE Market

EE Market officially partnered with Waterbomb. This is where a trading floor opens up where tickets can be raised and those who need them can buy them. Click Go to the Market.

EE Market

Currently, only Waterbomb Seoul is up. As of the date of writing, it appears that not all tickets have been sold out yet, so they are not open on the EE Market. After time passes and all tickets are sold out on the general booking site, they will appear on the EE market site, and you can post or buy tickets at that time.

Ticket transfers are also made at various cafes or Kakao chat windows. It is the most used method. However, there is a risk that you may be scammed, so you may be reluctant. There is a way to get tickets transferred from the community without fraud!

Ticket transfers are made in this order. You must obtain a QR code to enter the Water Bomb Festival!

At first, the transferor gives the account number, and the buyer checks the account number. I usually do a search on Dutch and Twitter. If the fraud history does not appear, you can proceed with the deposit with confidence, but when making a deposit, “Account number does not exist” may appear.

This is when the seller accidentally or intentionally misrepresented the account number. They say that they forgot one number in their account and they will tell you again.

Intentionally providing the wrong account number is a trick to avoid getting caught in an account search. If in doubt, try contacting the seller using a different contact number. If you misrepresent your account in the same way, it is 100% fraudulent. Be sure to keep this in mind when dealing with individuals!

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