도매매 위탁판매 About wholesale sales, direct link to Wholesale Store, and consignment sales

도매매 위탁판매Topic King

Smart Store, Shin Saimdang
This word is probably not unfamiliar to young office workers and students these days.
Should I say that it has sparked a boom in side hustles and start-ups?
Shin Saimdang ^^

Anyway, today I will briefly tell you about wholesale sales, wholesale sales, and consignment sales.

You can think of consignment sales as selling something on your behalf.
It’s distribution.
There will be people who supply goods and there will be people who sell them.
In consignment sales, once a sale is made, the supplier even provides delivery.
That’s why the saying “no inventory” was born.
Whether having no inventory is a good thing depends on each person’s business style, so I’ll pass on that.
When it comes to consignment, you often look for wholesalers.
Since the wholesale price is not much different from the retail price,
There’s also a saying that it’s called “sleeping.”
Below is the shortcut to wholesale kkuk.

and wholesale
Wholesale :: Delivery agency B2B service – Wholesale

Wholesale is where businesses conduct consignment sales. The price difference and basic purchase amount of the product are different from wholesale.
And once a sale is made, a delivery service is provided to the customer’s address.
That’s all for today ^^
Let’s talk more about consignment sales and business next time.
thank you

도매매 위탁판매
