스타벅스 다이어트 음료 Starbucks diet drink recommendation part 2 – No worries with caffeine-free menu – Health Thinking

스타벅스 다이어트 음료hello!
Last time, we introduced a coffee-type drink that contains caffeine among Starbucks diet drinks! (Watch Part 1 of Starbucks diet drinks)
I know Americano is light and good for dieting, but it can be a bit burdensome to drink more than one or two cups a day due to the caffeine.
So today, I would like to tell you about recommended diet drinks that can be consumed without caffeine!

Let’s go check it out right away!
1.Ice Youth Verity
The first product I will introduce is a type of tea!
Not all tea types have 0 calories, so be careful!
But surprisingly, this product has 0 calories… !
This iced tea is made by brewing tea leaves, apples, mango, pineapple, hibiscus, and rose lip, and the flavor is berry, so I recommend it to those who like refreshing tastes!
2. Grapefruit Honey Black Tea
In fact, if you eat it just because it is low in calories, you can consume more sugar than you think… !
Regular Grapefruit Honey Black Tea contains classic syrup as standard!
Leave that out and just use regular grapefruit syrup!
If you eat it as normal, it has 125 calories and 30g of sugar, but if you just add grapefruit syrup, it reduces to 85 calories and 25g of sugar!!
3.Ice mint blend tea
This drink is an herbal tea blended with spearmint, peppermint, and lemon myrtle, giving you a clean and refreshing feeling!
It is also recommended as an after-meal dessert!
4.Cool Lime Physio
Actually, I thought a lot about whether I should recommend this product, but I think it’s okay if you eat it properly, so I recommend it!
As you can see, the calories are lower than most drinks, but it contains about 25g of sugar, which is higher than you might think…!
If you drink these drinks as dessert after eating, there is a high chance that they will turn into fat right away, so rather than drinking them at that time.
I recommend eating it selectively only in situations where you need to exercise right away on a long empty stomach or when you think the meal was low in carbohydrates!
5. Chamomile blend tea, hibiscus blend tea, Earl Gray tea, English breakfast tea
As above, all types of tea have 0 kcal.
One way to find a tea that suits your taste by trying various teas that are good for your body and mind is also good.
Well, today we learned about diet drinks that you can get at Starbucks!
Rather than drastically changing my eating habits, I recommend that you create healthy habits one by one!
Health Thinking will help you until your diet ends 🙂
(Go to Hell Thinking YouTube)

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