청년구직활동지원금 2023 Youth Job Search Activities Support Fund Support Details and Amount, Application Target and Application Method

청년구직활동지원금Apply for youth job search activity support fund

The Youth Job Search Activities Subsidy is a government project that supports low-income young people preparing for employment with the costs necessary for job search activities. The purpose of this project is to reduce the financial burden of low-income youth preparing for employment, increase the quality and efficiency of job search activities, and improve employment rates and income levels.

The details and amount of support for youth job search activities are as follows.

Youth job search activity support fund support details and amount, application target and application method

Youth job search activity support fund support details and amount, application target and application method

Apply for youth job search activity support fund

① Fill out and submit the application form

Complete the application online or offline and submit the required documents. The required documents are as follows:

② Screening and notification

The youth center reviews the application and documents and determines whether or not you are eligible for support. If you are eligible for support, you will be notified by text or phone call.

③ Contract conclusion and payment

Those eligible for support sign a contract with the youth center and receive the support money into a designated account. The subsidy is paid based on monthly job search activities.

④ Implementation and reporting of job search activities

Those eligible for support faithfully carry out job search activities according to the employment activity plan and prepare and submit a job search activity report every month. They also participate in counseling and education at the youth center.

⑤ Refund after employment

If a person eligible for support finds employment, part of the support money must be refunded. The refund ratio is as follows:

Youth job search activity support fund support details and amount, application target and application method

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Youth Tomorrow Filling Credit conditions, application method, and support period
The Youth Tomorrow Filling Credit is a program hosted by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Ministry of SMEs and Startups to help young people who are employed full-time at small and medium-sized companies plan their future and build assets. young people 2

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Youth job search activity support fund support details and amount, application target and application method

Above we have informed you about the 2023 Youth Job Search Activities Support Fund. I hope this article helps. The 2023 Youth Job Search Activities Support Fund is a great opportunity for low-income young people preparing for employment.

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