햇살론15 조건 Korea Inclusive Finance Agency

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A financial product for people with low credit who are excluded from benefits such as installments and points due to difficulty in issuing credit cards.
Products that support credit card issuance to expand choice and lead to healthy consumption

※ Sunshine Loan is still operated with funds from industry contributions and lottery funds.

Apply for warranty
Card application
You can apply from 7 credit card companies* (in the “Guide to applying for issuance of credit card companies” tab)
(You can apply through the link for each credit card company)
* Lotte, Woori, Hyundai, Kookmin, Samsung, Shinhan, Hana Card
Refer to ‘Information on application for issuance of credit card companies’
※ Seogeumwon
Access the financial education portal (https://edu.kinfa.or.kr) – Sign up – “Online education” –
“Education for loan users” –
After accessing the “Sunshine Loan Card”, complete the required training (when completed, go to “My Page” – “Online Learning Status” – “Completed
(You can check the certificate in “Education”)
In the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency app
Apply for Sunshine Loan Card

Those who have signed a Sunshine Loan Card guarantee contract can go to the card company issuance application channel through the “Go to Application” link below.
After comparing the annual fees and benefits for each card company, apply for a card (maximum 1) from the card company that is most advantageous to you.

※ Card applications are available from 6:00 to 22:00 on weekdays. Please contact the relevant card company for details such as previous month’s usage history, exclusion items, events, etc.
Overdue interest rate: Normal interest rate by member/product used + 3%p, maximum within 20% per year
※ However, if there is no normal interest rate at the time of delinquency, the rate applies as follows.
– When a lump sum transaction is overdue: Interest installment fee rate applied for the minimum period (2 months) from the time of transaction occurrence
– When an interest-free installment transaction is overdue: The interest-bearing installment fee rate for the same installment contract period at the time of transaction is applied.
Please check the product description and terms and conditions before entering into a contract.
If your credit card usage is excessive compared to your ability to repay, your personal credit score may drop.
If your personal credit score falls, you may face disadvantages related to financial transactions.
If principal and interest are delinquent for a certain period of time, an obligation to repay all principal and interest may arise.

If credit card issuance is inappropriate (low personal credit score, holding arrears, etc.), card issuance may be restricted.
Card usage fees and all accompanying fees will be repaid on the designated payment date.
Financial consumers have the right to receive an explanation of the product or service in accordance with Article 19, Paragraph 1 of the Financial Services Act, and must listen to the explanation and fully understand the contents before making a transaction.
Hyundai Card: Credit Finance Association Review No. 2022-C1h-08298 (2022.09.28~2023.09.27)
Hyundai Card: Compliance monitoring review completed No. 221227-004 (2022.12.27~2023.12.26)
KB Kookmin Card: Credit Finance Association reviewed No. 2022-C1h-08386 (2022.09.29~2023.09.28)
Samsung Card: Reviewed by Credit Finance Association No. 2022-C1h-08878 (2022.10.13 ~ 2023.10.12)
Shinhan Card: Credit Finance Association Review No. 2022-C1h-04451 (2022.06.02~2023.05.31)
Woori Card: Credit Finance Association reviewed No. 2022-Ch1-10728 (2022.11.25~2023.11.24)

Copyright Since 2016 Korea Inclusive Finance Agency.
All Rights Reserved.

Nationally recognized certification body (ISMS): Financial Security Institute
[Certification Scope] Public service operation (web, mobile)
[Validity period] 2022.02.23. ~ 2025.02.22.

햇살론15 조건
