OK캐쉬백 현금화 및 적립방법 How to cash out and accumulate OK Cashbag

The information we will summarize this time is the OK Cashbag cash conversion method.

OK Cashbag allows you to buy items in the open market or

OK캐쉬백 현금화

OK캐쉬백 현금화

Points can be accumulated in various ways.

It wouldn’t work if you just accumulated points but didn’t know how to use them, right?

In the past, I think I accumulated a lot of points when refueling.

These days, you can accumulate points in various ways.

They say you get a lot of free gifts when you sign up for a telecommunications company.^^

There are various ways to use points, but

When it comes to using points, there’s nothing better than converting them into cash, right?



I will tell you how to convert OK Cashbag into cash, so where can you use it?

If you have OK Cashbag points that you have nowhere to use, take this opportunity to cash them out.



OK Cashbag cash conversion method
You can apply for a refund on the website.

When you go to the homepage, you will see a login on the right.

Enter your ID and password here and log in~

If you do not have an ID, register as a member and use the service.



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If you logged in

From the categories at the top

Enter your points from MY Cashbag (refer to the image below).



In the point menu

There are My Points, My Mobile Phone, Point Transfer, and Redemption/Refund.

You must go to repayment/refund to apply for a cash refund.



You agree to the collection/use of personal information to convert OK Cashbag accumulated points into cash.



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You must agree to receive a cash refund, so check that you agree.



Your name and email address are entered automatically.

Enter your date of birth (e.g. 901231),

Select the account number to receive the deposit and enter the points to apply for redemption.



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Above the redemption application points, there are “redeemable points.”

Here you can see how many points I have.

It says that you can only redeem points if you have more than 50,000 points (below 50,000 points cannot be cashed out).



After entering all information

Click on Apply for Repayment below.

OK Cashbag cash conversion method is so easy, right?

If you don’t have a specific place to use it, this is the best way to use it.

Anyone can easily use it by just registering as a member, so please keep this in mind when using points.



How could it be this simple?

Was it this simple before?

Would you like me to accumulate OK Cashbag?

When the clerk asked, I always said it was done.

From now on, I will have to work hard to save up.

I am also using it to accumulate points from other credit card companies.

The points accumulated quickly.

I will also have to carefully accumulate OK Cashbag points.

This concludes the summary of OK Cashbag cashing methods prepared today.
Source: https://thepmch.tistory.com/184 [Crichri Cream House:Tistory]