이름으로 사람찾기 총정리 Summary of finding people by name

Let’s take a detailed look at how to find people by name and take the time to organize them in detail.
Through Facebook and Instagram, we can find the person we are looking for or find our friends’ accounts online.



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👉Instantly find friends by name

Find friends by name Find people
How to find friends using Facebook
How to find people’s friends using Instagram
Find friends by name Find people

You must use SNS to find friends by name. In Korea, the most used SNS is Instagram for those in their teens to 30s, and Facebook for those in their 40s or older, so you can find the person you are looking for on Instagram or Facebook.

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👉Instantly find friends by name

How to find friends using Facebook

Here’s how to use Facebook:

Facebook-Find People 1

Find a person by name on Facebook: You can search by the person’s name in the magnifying glass menu located at the top right of the main screen in the Facebook app or PC version. However, if there are many people with the same name, it is a hassle to check their profiles one by one. There is.Facebook-Find People 2
Find people using detailed information on Facebook: After searching by name, click the people tab in the filter menu on the left to select various detailed information such as city, school, workplace, etc. If you search based on this information, you can get more accurate results.
Find friends by phone number or name on Facebook: If you search by entering the phone number of the person you are looking for in the Facebook search box, you can see search results related to that phone number. However, because people usually only disclose their personal information to people they know or keep it completely private, the probability of finding it by phone number is low.
Find a person by email on Facebook: If you search by entering the email address of the person you are looking for in the Facebook search box, you can check the person’s information related to that email. Email addresses are often more public than cell phone numbers, so this is one surefire way to find them.
Find a person by photo on Facebook: If there is a photo of the person you are looking for on Facebook, but you are not sure due to lack of related information, you can try a Google image search through the photo published on Facebook. Right-click on your profile photo on Facebook and click the Search Google for image option to see results on other platforms where that photo is used.
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👉Find Instagram friends right away

How to find people’s friends using Instagram

Here’s how to use Instagram:

Instagram-Find People 2

Find a person by name on Instagram: In the Instagram app or PC version, search by the person’s name in the magnifying glass menu located at the top right of the main screen. However, in the case of Instagram, people often use nicknames or IDs rather than their real names, so it can be difficult to find them by name. Instagram – Find People 1
Find people using hashtags on Instagram: If you know the interests or hobbies of the person you are looking for on Instagram, you can search for related hashtags to find them. For example, if you search the hashtag #soccerplayer, posts related to soccer will appear. If there is a post by the person you are looking for, you can check their profile.
Find people using the friend recommendation feature on Instagram: The friend recommendation feature on Instagram is a function that makes recommendations in conjunction with your contacts or Facebook friends. Therefore, if you are a contact or Facebook friend of the person you are looking for, you can see them in the friend recommendation list. The friend recommendation function can be viewed by swiping right on the magnifying glass menu at the top right of the main screen.
If you do this, you will learn how to use Facebook and Instagram to find people by name. If you have any questions or problems, please leave a comment.