신속채무조정특례 지원조건 4 Advantages of Credit Recovery Committee Rapid Debt Adjustment Special – Life Insight,s

신속채무조정특례 지원조건Most debt issues are resolved through the intervention of the court, but Debt Adjustment by the Credit Recovery Committee refers to the process of adjusting debt through direct consultation between the debtor and creditor without court involvement. We actively help people who are struggling with excessive debt to solve their debt problems easily and quickly.

Credit Recovery Committee Rapid Debt Adjustment

What is rapid debt adjustment? It refers to a method of resolving difficult problems currently faced through quick negotiations between debtors and creditors. This is a system that more quickly resolves current debt problems caused by financial difficulties for those who need to repay their debt. This system is characterized by the Credit Recovery Committee acting as an intermediary and adjusting the debt through negotiations with the financial sector.

For those who have difficulty repaying their debt normally, we provide debt adjustment support, such as deferring debt repayment for a certain period of time or extending the repayment period. The difference between general debt adjustment and rapid debt adjustment is that although the purpose is similar, debt adjustment requires legal procedures, while rapid debt adjustment omits legal procedures.

In addition, debt restructuring may be compulsorily executed, but the major difference in the case of rapid debt restructuring is that it is carried out through voluntary negotiation between the debtor and creditors.

If you are currently paying your debt normally, but are expected to be delinquent and the delinquency is less than 30 days, you can apply for the rapid debt adjustment system. If it is confirmed with the consent of more than half of the creditor institutions based on the amount of the debt, the overdue interest can be reduced and the repayment period can be extended by up to 10 years. In addition, the adjusted interest rate is set at the agreed interest rate, and the maximum interest rate is 15% per year. If the interest rate on your debt is higher than this, an interest rate reduction may occur.

The rapid debt restructuring special case is provided to vulnerable borrowers with low credit who have difficulty repaying loans due to rising interest rates, and is a system that supports preemptive debt restructuring through interest reduction and deferral of repayment. In special cases, applications can be made until April 2, 2024. This is a system to help those suffering from excessive loans or debts by expanding special provisions for rapid debt adjustment for recipients of basic livelihood security, etc. and expanding the relevant interest reduction range from the current 30-50% to 50-70%.

In the case of the Credit Recovery Committee’s rapid debt adjustment, the account with the highest interest rate can be repaid individually with priority through the principle and interest equalization method. Through this process, the monthly repayment interest burden can be lowered and the total monthly repayment amount can also be lowered. You can expect effective results.

It’s quick and easy. Because direct negotiations are conducted between the debtor and creditor without court intervention, debt issues can be resolved much more quickly and easily than through litigation procedures.

If you meet these eligibility conditions and receive benefits after applying for debt adjustment or special treatment from the Credit Recovery Committee, we recommend that you actively proceed because you will have the following various advantages.

1) You can escape from financial difficulties caused by excessive loans and make a fresh start. 2) You can reduce economic costs and reduce court costs and time. (Application fee is also 50,000 won)
3) Because the fact of debt restructuring is not disclosed to credit information agencies, personal credit risk, such as credit rating downgrade, can be reduced.
4) Creditors can also receive a portion of the amount through negotiation under appropriate conditions rather than losses for recovery of principal.

If you are currently in a situation where you have a lot of high-interest debt due to excessive borrowing, it may be helpful to first look into another method, a debt consolidation refinancing loan. It will help you lower your monthly repayment and interest burden by refinancing at a lower interest rate than the current one. It may be helpful to check the following refinancing loan methods and procedures.

6 conditions for debt consolidation refinance loan (government support)
If you currently have multiple debts with high interest rates, it may be helpful to look into government-backed debt consolidation refinancing loans to reduce the burden of monthly repayments. Through the contents of the text, you can find out the conditions and qualifications for a refinancing loan.

We looked into the Credit Recovery Committee’s rapid debt adjustment and special conditions. If you cannot apply because you do not meet the qualifications or conditions, there are other ways to solve the problem as mentioned above, so don’t be too discouraged and just knock on the doors of various places and you will definitely find a solution. I sincerely hope that the current situation can be overcome and resolved.

신속채무조정특례 지원조건
