하나은행 고객센터 및 전화번호 Hana Bank customer center and phone number

If you plan to visit Hana Bank, please check the business hours in advance before visiting.

하나은행 고객센터

하나은행 고객센터

If you want to reduce waiting time before visiting, you can obtain a waiting ticket through your bank app. It is convenient to obtain a waiting ticket in advance before departure.


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Go to Hana Bank business hours
Go to Hana Bank business hours


Hana Bank Business Hours 1 Business Hours and Customer Center
Hana Bank business hours 2. Mobile reservation method
Frequently Asked Questions
Good article to read together


Hana Bank Business Hours 1 Business Hours and Customer Center
Hana Bank’s business hours start at 9 a.m. and end at 4 p.m. Before visiting, please search for a Hana Bank branch and check the business hours before visiting.

Go to Hana Bank Branch Finder

Find a Hana Bank branch Please use the branch finder at the link below Find a branch < Branch information < Utility menu < Hana Bank www.kebhana.com

We will inform you about Hana Bank’s business hours, customer service phone number, and branches that operate specialized stores.

Hana Bank business hours

✅ Hana Bank business hours: Most branches are open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


✅ Find a Hana Bank branch: To use Hana Bank, search for a nearby branch and use it.


Go to Hana Bank branch search


✅ Hana Bank Business Hours Specialized Branches: Some government offices and foreigner specialized branches are open even on weekends. And the Incheon International Airport Center is also available on weekends. ➡ Search for specialized stores


✅ Hana Bank Internet and Smartphone Banking: Available 24 hours a day, regardless of weekdays, weekends, and public holidays. However, some transactions may only be possible through internet banking.


Hana Bank Customer Center

✅ Telephone consultation: You can call 1588 – 1111, 1599 – 1111. From overseas, you can call +82-42-520-2500.


✅ Chat consultation: Available from 09:00 – 22:00 on weekdays.


✅ Email consultation: Available 24 hours a day.


✅ Specialized service phone number: Deposit 1811-6171, foreign exchange 1811-6174, senior citizen-only 1899-8833, etc. We provide a variety of specialized consulting services separately, so please use them if you are eligible for senior citizens only.


If you want to use it without waiting time when visiting Hana Bank, you can reduce waiting time by obtaining a mobile number ticket before going to the bank.




To use the Hana Bank reservation service, go to the branch information screen in the menu of the Hana 1Q app and select mobile number ticket/visit reservation.


By using the reservation system before visiting Hana Bank, you can reduce waiting time and use the bank smoothly. Make a reservation easily through the Hana Bank mobile app.


Please use the reservation service in advance before your visit to enjoy the convenience of no waiting time.





Hana Bank Business Hours 2 Mobile Reservation Method

It is convenient to obtain a waiting ticket in advance using your mobile phone before visiting Hana Bank. Simply install and use the app, so give it a try.


Install the Hana One Q app and go to the menu – Branch – Number ticket issuance, visit reservation – Visit point search – Press the Number ticket issue button to receive a number ticket and visit.



Information on how to use Hana Bank mobile phone

How to issue Hana One Q mobile number ticket





We learned about Hana Bank’s business hours, how to use the customer center, and Hana Bank’s specialized branches. You can conveniently use the number ticket issued in advance before visiting the bank, so please install and use the app.





Samsung Galaxy App


Android Shortcut




iphone app


Go to iPhone



Hana Bank Business Hours Customer Center
Hana Bank Business Hours Hana Bank Business Hours 09:00 ~ 16:00 Hana Bank Business Hours Specialized Branches
Hana Bank Customer Center Hana Bank Business Hours Find a Branch Hana Bank Business Hours Incheon Airport
Hana Bank Business Hours Customer Center Hana Bank Customer Center Phone Number Issuance of a Number Ticket Before Visiting Hana Bank


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Question 1 What are Hana Bank’s regular business hours?
Answer 1 Hana Bank’s regular business hours are from 9 AM to 4 PM at most branches.

Question 2 What are the contact information and operating hours of Hana Bank Customer Center?
Answer 2 Hana Bank Customer Center can be contacted by phone at 1588-1111 or 1599-1111, and from overseas, +82-42-520-2500. Chat consultation is available from 09:00-22:00 on weekdays, and email consultation is available 24 hours a day.

Question 3 How can I use Hana Bank’s in-person reservation system?
Answer 3 Hana Bank’s visit reservation system can be used through the Hana One Q app. You can use it by going to the branch information screen in the app menu and selecting mobile number ticket/visit reservation. This system can reduce waiting times when visiting the bank.