KC 인증 정보 조회 How to view KC certification information and report non-certification

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Go to check KC certification inquiry
by Dreamer 2020. 12. 11.
KC certification is a mark that certifies safety.

In order to manufacture, distribute, and sell a product, you must acquire it, and if you manufacture, sell, or distribute it illegally, you will be subject to sanctions.

This is a system where the government certifies safe products.

KC 인증 정보 조회 How to view KC certification information and report non-certification

As per yesterday’s press release, in the 5th regular safety investigation, cases of deviation from safety standards were found in various household products.

In the case of baby bathtubs, it was found that the standard level of phthalate was exceeded by more than 600 times.


For caught products, a recall order or recommendation is issued to the manufacturer or importer depending on the severity of the violation.

In severe cases, a mandatory recall order may be issued.


So how can you check this?

KC certification can be confirmed at the Product Safety Information Center.


This is where you can check KC certification numbers for electrical products, children’s products, etc.

You can check KC certification at the Product Safety Information Center.

You can only check if the product is subject to safety management.



KC 인증 정보 조회


If you go to the quick service in the middle of the homepage, click on authentication information search.

You can search by model name or authentication number.

If you are planning to purchase a product subject to safety management, it would be a good idea to check it out in advance.




You can also check whether the product has been recalled.

Use Homepage -> Quick Search -> Recall Information Search.

Alternatively, you can check product recall at the top -> product recall information search.




We learned about KC certification inquiry on product safety.


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