종소세환급 방법 How to inquire and receive non-refundable local taxes | Period | Comprehensive Income Tax Refund

When you calculate your taxes, there are times when you have to pay additional taxes, and there are times when you can get a refund. Today, I had a refund, and if there was anything I missed, how can I see how much, and how can I receive it. 종소세환급 방법

Access the WeTax home page.
Select ‘My Refund’ from the main.
Enter your social security number and click Search to inquire about the refund.
Check the “local tax” and press “Inquiry/Application” if there is more than one case.
Check the refund information and press ‘Apply’.
If connecting to a PC is troublesome or difficult, you can easily check it on your mobile. Mobile is almost similar to a PC, so it won’t be difficult.

Select ‘My Refund’ from the Smart Witax main.
Enter your social security number.
Select the refund you want to apply for. jasminevista.com
Check the refund information and apply.
Rather, the mobile process is shortened by one or two more and it’s simple. You can apply really quickly, so make sure to check if there is a refund and receive the money you need.

👇Please check the details of the local tax refund inquiry below.

Shortcut to check local tax non-refundable amount
Period of inquiry and receipt of non-refundable local taxes 종소세환급 방법

In this way, you can inquire and receive the non-refundable amount, but in fact, it is not possible indefinitely. Unrefundable amount literally refers to the amount that has not yet been refunded. It may be a small amount for each person, but if you collect the non-refundable amount of the entire nation, it becomes a fairly large amount. In June 2020, the total amount of the non-refundable amount was 40.4 billion won.

As a result, you can’t keep such a large amount of money. Therefore, there is a fixed period for inquiring and receiving unpaid refunds. Refunds that have not been received for five years from the date of the refund are expired and are returned to the national treasury. In fact, 5 years is not a short period. It’s time to fully inquire and take it, so please check and get a refund from time to time.

Most local governments have also conducted campaigns to return local tax refunds. This means that so many people are not receiving refunds, so make sure to check and take even if it’s a small amount of money.

👇 Please check the details of the inquiry and receipt period below.

View more inquiry and receipt periods
National Tax Service Hometax Refund Inquiry

Inquiry for non-refundable local taxes
Previously, local taxes were mainly introduced, but in fact, various tax refunds are often asleep besides local taxes.

It is said that the amount of refunds, such as work incentives, child incentives, value-added tax, and comprehensive income tax, is quite large because taxpayers do not visit them. Like local taxes, these taxes can be inquired and received only for refunds that have not been visited in the last five years from the date of the refund decision.

So, even if you check the refund right now, the refund that occurred five years ago has already disappeared, and the total amount of the non-refund that has been collected since five years ago will come out.

Access the National Tax Service’s website
Select frequently sought-after services
Finding a national tax refund
Enter resident registration number and name
Select Inquiry
Select Refund Inquiry Results
Like local taxes, it’s easy to check on the web. Of course, it’s also possible on mobile. You can go to Sontax and look it up the same way.

👇 Check the Hometax Refund Inquiry details below.

Hometax Refund Inquiry Shortcut
Finding Unrefundable Government24
Inquiry for non-refundable local taxes
In addition to Hometax and Sontax, you can also check it on the government 24 website.

Access to the Government 24 website
Check the search box on the main page of the homepage
Search for ‘Find Unrefundable’ in search bar
Click Find Unrefundable on the Service Shortcut tab
Enter your name and social security number to verify your identity and see the non-refundable amount
If you have any unpaid refunds to receive after such a simple inquiry, you can complete the application immediately without visiting the tax office offline.

Hometax – Application/Submission – Application for Major Tax Documents – Report opening of refund account (change)
👇Find Unrefundable Government24 Check out the details below.

Finding Unrefundable Government 24 Shortcut
How to inquire and receive non-refundable local taxes | Period | Comprehensive Income Tax Refund | Automobile Tax | Samchum Sam 3.3 | National Tax Service Hometax Refund Inquiry | Finding Non-refundable Government 24 | Integrated Inquiry Service.