우리은행 영업시간 및 ATM찾기 Woori Bank business hours and ATM finder

Woori Bank business hours changed (shortened)
Woori Bank’s business hours have changed due to COVID-19. Many people will just search for business hours on the Internet and visit, or they will visit thinking that the existing business hours from 09:00 to 16:00 are the business hours. From October 18, 2021, Woori Bank’s business hours have been changed to 09:30-15:30. The morning and afternoon business hours have been shortened by 30 minutes each, and the reason for the adjustment is said to be to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. It is difficult to understand how shortening business hours, resulting in a shorter time for customers to visit, and resulting crowding of visitors, helps prevent the spread of COVID-19, but this measure is in line with the government’s restrictions on use of multiple facilities and the wearing of masks indoors. It is said that it will remain in effect until the obligation is lifted, so it is expected that business hours will remain short for a considerable period of time.

우리은행 영업시간

우리은행 영업시간

Woori Bank business hours change (shortened) and lunch hour information
Woori Bank business hours change (shortened) and lunch hour information

Woori Bank lunch time, lunch shift work time
So, when is the best time to visit Woori Bank, between 09:30 and 15:30? Of course, it doesn’t make much difference whether you visit at any time during business hours, but if possible, it would be better to avoid times when employees are leaving for lunch to ensure faster work. Woori Bank’s lunch hour is 2 hours from 11:30 to 1:30, and during this time, some employees leave for lunch. Because lunchtime is a time when customers take turns eating, the number of staff responding to the counter is small, and it is a convenient time for office workers to visit the bank, so waiting times may be relatively long. Therefore, if you want to quickly perform banking transactions, we recommend that you visit during the opening time of 09:30, or at least avoid the lunch hour.