자궁경부암 검사 무료대상 조회방법 How to check for free cervical cancer screening

Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women, and thousands of women lose their lives from it every year. However, cervical cancer has a high cure rate when detected early. Despite this, many women neglect their cancer or do not get regular screenings. Today, let’s learn about the symptoms, causes, and treatment of cervical cancer and see if you are eligible for free cervical cancer screening.

자궁경부암 검사 무료대상

자궁경부암 검사 무료대상

Cervical Cancer Symptoms



Cervical Cancer Symptoms
Cervical cancer may not cause any special symptoms in the early stages, but as the cancer progresses, the following symptoms may appear:

Abnormal bleeding: One of the most common cervical cancer symptoms includes bleeding between periods or after sexual intercourse. Menstruation may last longer or be heavier than usual. Additionally, women who have experienced menopause should get checked out at a hospital if they experience vaginal bleeding randomly.
Abnormal vaginal discharge: Abnormal vaginal discharge is also a symptom of cervical cancer. Vaginal discharge is a normal occurrence in the female reproductive system, but if the amount, color, or odor changes, attention is needed. In general, some colorless or white vaginal discharge may occur between menstruation. If the amount of these discharges is greater than usual or continues to come out, you need to be suspicious. Additionally, if your vaginal discharge appears yellow, green, or red, there may be a problem. In addition, caution is required if there is an unusual or foul odor.
Cervical Cancer Symptoms
Cervical Cancer Symptoms
Cervical Cancer Symptoms
Cervical Cancer Symptoms
Pain and painful intercourse: Pain and painful intercourse are also one of the symptoms of cervical cancer. These symptoms usually do not appear in the early stages of cancer and may appear only as the cancer progresses. In general, persistent or recurring pelvic pain requires attention. This can radiate down the legs and range from mild discomfort to persistent severe pain. Pain that occurs during or after intercourse can also be a warning sign. This can sometimes be a symptom of cervical cancer directly, or it can occur as the cancer spreads to nearby tissues. Additionally, as cervical cancer develops, it can cause lumbar discomfort or severe back pain.
Urination problems and constipation: Urination problems and constipation are symptoms that may appear in advanced stages of cervical cancer. These symptoms can occur as cancer affects nearby tissues and organs. Cervical cancer can affect the bladder, causing problems with urination. This may cause pain when urinating or a strong pressure sensation each time you do so. You may also experience decreased urine output or blood in your urine. As cancer progresses, it may affect the colon and rectum, causing constipation or painful bowel movements. In addition to urinary problems or constipation, cervical cancer can cause symptoms such as pain and swelling in the lower abdomen.
Weight loss and low energy: Weight loss and low energy may be common symptoms of cancer.


Causes of Cervical Cancer
The most common cause of cervical cancer is HPV infection. HPV is spread sexually, and most sexually active people will be infected with HPV at least once in their lives. However, not all HPV infections cause cervical cancer. Only certain types of HPV are more likely to cause cervical cancer. Additionally, women who begin sexual activity early have a greater risk of cervical cancer, and if they contract sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, the risk of cervical cancer may increase. Additionally, people with weakened immune systems are at increased risk for cervical cancer. Additionally, the risk of the disease is relatively higher in women who use oral contraceptives for a long time or who have had multiple pregnancies. You should prevent cervical cancer in advance by getting the HPV vaccine and getting regular cervical cancer screenings.


Cervical Cancer Symptoms
Cervical Cancer Symptoms
Cervical Cancer Symptoms
Cervical Cancer Symptoms

Cervical Cancer Treatment
Cervical cancer treatment is determined by considering several factors, including the stage of cancer, the patient’s health status, and pregnancy plans. The main treatment methods include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.

Surgery: Early-stage cervical cancer can be treated with surgery. This may involve removing the cervix and some nearby tissue. In more advanced cases, surgery to remove the entire uterus may be necessary, and sometimes even the ovaries and fallopian tubes.
Cervical Cancer Symptoms
Cervical Cancer Symptoms
Cervical Cancer Symptoms
Cervical Cancer Symptoms
Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy uses high-energy X-ray waves to destroy cancer cells. This is treated with external light therapy or by inserting small radioactive substances into the body.
Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy uses drugs to stop cancer cells from growing and dividing. This is sometimes applied in combination with radiation therapy.

Check eligibility for free cervical cancer screening
Cervical cancer has traditionally occurred mainly among middle-aged women in their 40s and 50s, but recently, the incidence rate has increased significantly among women in their 20s and 30s. Taking this situation into consideration, health insurance provides cervical cancer screening every two years to all women over the age of 20, and the cost of the screening is fully covered by the National Health Insurance Corporation. Below is a post to check if you are eligible for free cervical cancer screening, so check in advance and see if you are eligible for free screening!!