비상금 대출 중복 신청 Find out the interest rate and limit for duplicate applications for Kakao Bank emergency loan

비상금 대출 중복 신청Find out about Kakao Bank emergency loan duplicate application interest rate limit

Table of Contents
1. Kakao Bank emergency loan
2. Find out about Kakao Bank emergency loan duplicate application interest rate limit
3. Emergency loan other than Kakao Bank

Kakao Bank emergency loan is a small minus loan. When you need to pay a funeral expense but don’t have cash, when you suddenly need money when payday is far away, when your credit score drops due to cash service, you can consider Kakao Emergency Loan in case of an emergency.

Go to emergency loan application

In addition to Kakao Bank emergency loan, there are other emergency loan loans that you can easily apply for, such as Pink Emergency Loan and Hana One Q Emergency Loan. Check the qualification requirements, etc., and you can receive an emergency loan with convenient application and interest payment.

The maximum limit for Kakao Bank emergency loan is 3 million won, and the lowest interest rate is 5.27% per annum. Please check the following for Kakao Bank emergency loan subscription target, etc. Check your eligibility for Kakao Bank emergency loan

The following are eligible for Kakao Bank emergency loan.

The Kakao Bank emergency loan period is 1 year. Repayment is lump sum repayment on maturity, and loan extension must be applied for before maturity, and can be extended in 1-year units depending on the review.

The interest rate for emergency loans is 5.269%~15% per annum. Please check the detailed interest rates for Kakao Bank emergency loans in the table below.

Kakao Bank emergency loan interest rate

If there is an unpaid amount based on the interest payment date, a late payment interest will be incurred, so be careful not to be late with the interest. The late payment interest is the loan interest rate + 3% per annum.

The application method for Kakao Bank emergency loans is very simple, just like other emergency loan application methods. Applications are available 365 days a year, and the application time is from 6:00 AM to 11:30 PM. The average time required for application is 60 seconds. With just your mobile phone authentication, you can withdraw cash from your emergency loan account right away after checking your credit score.

Kakao Bank emergency loan application screen

Once the emergency loan application is complete, you can withdraw money right away with your Kakao Bank check card. Withdrawals are possible, as well as transfers, and it can be used in all places where payment is required, such as online/offline payments.

We learned about Kakao Bank emergency loan. Unless it is really urgent, I do not recommend even a small emergency loan. Since it is convenient to apply for a loan, there may be problems such as a rapid decline in credit rating, so please consider various factors before applying and make a decision.

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비상금 대출 중복 신청
