모기 잡는 법 How to catch mosquitoes, I have a lot of worries about how to catch mosquitoes in the house

모기 잡는 법When the weather gets warmer, an uninvited guest, Mosquito Brother, visits us and makes our lives tiring. You must have tried to catch the mosquitoes of an old man after waking up to the buzzing sound. If you look around and search for it with the conviction that you will catch it, you … Read more

모기 잡는 법 “Catching invisible mosquitoes in 10 seconds at night” Mosquito experts recommend 2 ways to get rid of mosquitoes at night (+ how to prevent them)

모기 잡는 법2 Ways to Find Mosquitoes at Night How to find mosquitoes with a flashlight (mobile phone flashlight app) 1. Take a flashlight in your hand and turn off the room lights. 2. Turn on a small light (such as a table lamp and cell phone) without flashlight selected. 3. In that state, slowly … Read more