kt 포인트 사용법 How to spend KT points (cash tip)

kt 포인트 사용법index

○ KT membership point accumulation
○ How to spend KT Points (Where to use)
○ How to convert to cash

KT provides points that can receive discounts at affiliated merchants according to customer level every year.

Points are awarded on January 1 of each year based on performance in the previous year. Points created can be used until the end of December of the year, and unused points will be lost.

Points are deducted by the amount discounted at affiliated stores, and you can view your points by entering the KT membership website or application.

For reference, if you install the barcode as a widget on your phone, it’s convenient to get a discount at that time, so please refer to it.

※ Widget installation method (based on Android phone)

We have organized the affiliated merchants that can receive discounts with KT Points by field. Benefits are based on VIP, and detailed discount rates for each level can be found on the KT Membership website.

There is no way to officially cash back KT points. However, with a little effort, you can turn it into cash.

It is to purchase products with high discount rates and high demand, and then resell them to second-hand countries or carrot markets. For example, there must be movie advance tickets, amusement park tickets, and data.

VIP level can purchase a free movie at Lotte Cinema once a month. After purchasing a movie ticket, you can sell it at the carrot market for a small discount.

The more popular the movie, the more margin it can leave, and the quicker it is possible to sell, so please refer to it.

To add one more thing, if you use an LTE plan, you can charge data with KT points.

Purchased data can be sent and received in the YBOX app. Likewise, you can trade the data charged in the used country or the carrot market, right?

So far, we have looked at how to use KT points and tips to convert them into cash. I look forward to using all the points in the first half of this year.
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