kt 포인트 현금화 How to cash in kt points

Wait! Did you know that if you don’t use kt points, they will disappear? If you don’t consume points as soon as possible, your points may disappear by themselves. Today, I will post about how to easily and simply monetize the accumulated points. kt 포인트 현금화

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• 1. Kt points monetization method • 1-1. Simple monetization method • 1-2. Recommended monetization method • 2. Simple summary of Kt points monetization method

Table of Contents 1. How to monetize kt points 1-1. Simple monetization method 1. How to monetize kt points

I’ll tell you everything from the quick and easy method of cashing in Kt points to my favorite method. First of all, I’ll tell you the most well-known and used method of cashing in.
1-1. Simple method of monetization

Movie tickets, play tickets sold
Sell after exchanging data with Kt points

Kt official site photo

First, selling movie tickets and play tickets is a method of cashing in after purchasing movie tickets and play tickets with Kt points. It’s the most common method of cashing in as it’s the simplest. As you can see above, it’s only available at Lotte Cinema, CGV, and Megabox. You can purchase it on the My KT app, and you can check and purchase it in detail on the official Kt link below.

Movie reservations, performance reservations | KT
Online movie reservations and more detailed information on benefits are available on this page.

After exchanging data with the second Kt point, sales are a method of cashing in by consuming Kt points to purchase LTE and 5G data and then charging other people’s mobile phone data. Please check the summary table below for vanishing points per data


LTE Data Charging Deduction Points Organized

Charging data

Deductible points


But this second method has a drawback. It’s more cumbersome and cheap than the ticket sales above. The actual transaction price is 1,500 won per 1GB and 3,000 won to 4,000 won per 2GB. The point of purchase of 2GB is 18,000P, which is a really bad method of cost-effectiveness. If you go to the link to the official site below, you can buy it
You can purchase it.

LTE Data Charging


1-2. Recommended method of monetization
I’ll tell you two cost-effective ways to cash in.

a discount coupon
Utilize the Kt Gifti Show

The first discount coupon, discount agency, is a method of selling products that can be discounted with Kt points after purchasing them. These discount coupons and discount applications are really cost-effective because they have very few points deducted compared to other methods. The method of data exchange is deducted 18,000 points per 4,000 won, but this method is a really good method of cashing in 4,500 points per 4,000 won.

However, if there is a disadvantage, it is cumbersome and the purchase demand is less than that of other methods. However, the cost-effectiveness is really good, so please consider it.